Germany’s labour market faces substantial challenges caused by demographic change in the next decade. However, a country comparison with Sweden and Switzerland reveals hidden labour market potentials.
Wachstum durch Beschäftigung: Potenziale der deutschen Volkswirtschaft
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Germany’s labour market faces substantial challenges caused by demographic change in the next decade. However, a country comparison with Sweden and Switzerland reveals hidden labour market potentials.
Raising the employment rate towards the Swiss level implies an increase of 1.83 billion labour hours. An alignment of weekly working hours as well as annual working weeks in Germany with the (higher) values of those in Sweden and Switzerland would raise annual labour volume to 4.71 billion working hours. A reduction of involuntary part time work in Germany leads to an increase of 691 million working hours. A better utilisation of the existing labour force potential can thus contribute to tackle the adverse effects of demographic change and enable a state budget consolidation after the crisis.
Wachstum durch Beschäftigung: Potenziale der deutschen Volkswirtschaft
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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