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  3. The renewables pull effect: How regional differences in renewable energy costs could influence where industrial production is located in the future
Sascha Samadi / Andreas Fischer / Stefan Lechtenböhmer Externe Veröffentlichung 2. September 2023 The renewables pull effect: How regional differences in renewable energy costs could influence where industrial production is located in the future

To combat climate change, it is anticipated that in the coming years countries around the world will adopt more stringent policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of clean energy sources.

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How regional differences in renewable energy costs could influence where industrial production is located in the future
Sascha Samadi / Andreas Fischer / Stefan Lechtenböhmer Externe Veröffentlichung 2. September 2023

The renewables pull effect: How regional differences in renewable energy costs could influence where industrial production is located in the future

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

To combat climate change, it is anticipated that in the coming years countries around the world will adopt more stringent policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of clean energy sources.

These policies will also affect the industry sector, which means that industrial production is likely to progressively shift from CO2-emitting fossil fuel sources to renewable energy sources. As a result, a region's renewable energy resources could become an increasingly important factor in determining where energy-intensive industries locate their production. We refer to this pull factor as the “renewables pull” effect. Renewables pull could lead to the relocation of some industrial production as a consequence of regional differences in the marginal cost of renewable energy sources. In this paper, we introduce the concept of renewables pull and explain why its importance is likely to increase in the future. Using the examples of direct reduced iron (DRI) and ammonia production, we find that the future costs of climate-neutral production of certain products is likely to vary considerably between regions with different renewable energy resources. However, we also identify the fact that many other factors in addition to energy costs determine the decisions that companies make in term of location, leaving room for further research to better understand the future relevance of renewables pull.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
How regional differences in renewable energy costs could influence where industrial production is located in the future
Sascha Samadi / Andreas Fischer / Stefan Lechtenböhmer Externe Veröffentlichung 2. September 2023

The renewables pull effect: How regional differences in renewable energy costs could influence where industrial production is located in the future

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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