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  3. Mangelverwaltung bei Gasknappheit
Hubertus Bardt / Thilo Schaefer / Andreas Fischer in der Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik Externe Veröffentlichung 11. August 2022 Mangelverwaltung bei Gasknappheit

In view of an impending termination of Russian gas supplies, it is necessary to take a closer look at the existing regulations in the event of a shortage in German gas supply. In this context, the legal framework provides that in the event of an acute shortage, the gas supply of individual consumers will be restricted or even stopped by the competent authority, thereby rendering the effect of the market for the distribution of scarce goods ineffective.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
Mangelverwaltung bei Gasknappheit
Hubertus Bardt / Thilo Schaefer / Andreas Fischer in der Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik Externe Veröffentlichung 11. August 2022

Mangelverwaltung bei Gasknappheit

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

In view of an impending termination of Russian gas supplies, it is necessary to take a closer look at the existing regulations in the event of a shortage in German gas supply. In this context, the legal framework provides that in the event of an acute shortage, the gas supply of individual consumers will be restricted or even stopped by the competent authority, thereby rendering the effect of the market for the distribution of scarce goods ineffective.

This situation must be prevented. In principle, priority is given to private households and social services, so that primarily the industry would have to reduce their consumption of gas. However, given the threat of widespread disruption to German industrial production, saving potentials should be leveraged in all sectors. This is because an extensive supply disruption to German industrial operations would result in extensive and incalculable societal costs due to cascading effects. It is therefore also in the best interests of the population to avert such an undersupply through joint efforts. First of all, the usage of natural gas in power generation should be reduced significantly to enable or increase the filling of storage facilities. Additionally, current studies also point to possible reduction potential in the household sector, for example through moderate adjustments of room temperature. Such measures can help to get through the next winter without endangering Germany too much as an industrial and business location.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
Mangelverwaltung bei Gasknappheit
Hubertus Bardt / Thilo Schaefer / Andreas Fischer in der Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik Externe Veröffentlichung 11. August 2022

Mangelverwaltung bei Gasknappheit

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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