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Presentation Veranstaltung 9. Mai 2017 CO2 Compendium on CO2 regulation for motor vehicles in Europe

The transportation sector faces special challenges in the process of decarbonisation, since the need for mobility – both for people and goods – is rapidly increasing around the world, especially in the emerging economies. Because of road traffic’s key position in mobility, the future CO2 regulation of cars and trucks will play a substantial role in climate policy.

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9. Mai
Presentation Veranstaltung 9. Mai 2017

CO2 Compendium on CO2 regulation for motor vehicles in Europe

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

The transportation sector faces special challenges in the process of decarbonisation, since the need for mobility – both for people and goods – is rapidly increasing around the world, especially in the emerging economies. Because of road traffic’s key position in mobility, the future CO2 regulation of cars and trucks will play a substantial role in climate policy.

Against this background, the EU Commission published its “Low-emission mobility strategy” in 2016 and the European Parliaments TRAN and ENVI committees are currently preparing a report on the subject.

The Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW Köln) has produced a compendium on CO2 regulation for motor vehicles, which researcher Thomas PULS it will present at a breakfast debate in the European Parliament’s Salon des Membres, kindly hosted by MEP and shadow rapporteur on the Parliament’s report Jens GIESEKE.

We would like to invite you to the presentation of the Compendium and for an exchange on the way forward regarding low-emission mobility.

Tuesday, 9th May 2017

8.00 to 9.30 h

European Parliament
Rue Wiertz
Salon des Membres

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Presentation of the „CO2 Compendium” on CO2 regulation for motor vehicles in Europe


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