Since the globalization of China has not been accompanied by an opening of its political system and society, political conditions for the economic development must be viewed in a global context.
German Chinese Economic Relations: Necessary Reassessment
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Since the globalization of China has not been accompanied by an opening of its political system and society, political conditions for the economic development must be viewed in a global context.
In addition to the economic slowdown, China faces a demographic challenge that has been ignored for a long time, and social upheavals have also been overlooked in the West in the euphoria over the market potential in the People’s Republic. The economic dependencies between the German and Chinese economies are two-sided. German companies should assess the risks of their China engagement, while corporates strategies are no substitute for a courageous foreign trade policy.
German Chinese Economic Relations: Necessary Reassessment
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
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