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Dennis Abel / Armin Mertens in Review of Policy Research Externe Veröffentlichung 24. März 2023 United in disagreement: Analyzing policy networks in EU policy making

Shared belief systems are generally assumed to forge policy networks. Empirical evidence whether and to what extend shared policy core beliefs create ally networks and under which circumstances shared policy core beliefs are not necessary to form these networks, however, is limited.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
Analyzing policy networks in EU policy making
Dennis Abel / Armin Mertens in Review of Policy Research Externe Veröffentlichung 24. März 2023

United in disagreement: Analyzing policy networks in EU policy making

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Shared belief systems are generally assumed to forge policy networks. Empirical evidence whether and to what extend shared policy core beliefs create ally networks and under which circumstances shared policy core beliefs are not necessary to form these networks, however, is limited.

Based on a novel inferential network approach in combination with mediation analysis, this study investigates the role of belief systems as a link between interest group type and policy preference congruence, ultimately leading to ally networks in the European Union. In order to measure the intervening effect of policy core beliefs, automated text analysis is used. Our results suggest that shared policy core beliefs are a strong mediator for members of the same interest group. In addition, “strange bedfellow” networks between NGOs and businesses do, in fact, lack belief congruence and emerge on issues with low potential for intergroup conflict. This paper makes a contribution to our understanding of ally network formation and adds to the emerging line of research which combines quantitative text with inferential network analysis.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
Analyzing policy networks in EU policy making
Dennis Abel / Armin Mertens in Review of Policy Research Externe Veröffentlichung 24. März 2023

United in disagreement: Analyzing policy networks in EU policy making

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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