Industrial Relations and Working Conditions
Self-employed Workers
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Industrial Relations and Working Conditions
Generally speaking, the number of self-employed workers has risen steadily in the last couple of years. The group of self-employed workers is extremely heterogeneous as it comprises self-employed workers from the liberal professions, persons who are pursuing freelance activities as well as others engaging in low-paid professions. The prototype of selfemployed worker was once by definition excluded from collective forms of the social security system. However, recent years have seen a change concerning the social protection of self-employed workers. Furthermore, unions have tried to organise certain groups of self-employed workers, e.g. freelance journalists. Nonetheless, social partners scarcely represent great parts of self-employed workers due to the heterogeneity of the group.
Self-employed Workers
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Was die Unternehmen von der nächsten Regierung erwarten
Bedeutung der Grunderwerbsteuer für das Wohnungsangebot
In den letzten Jahren sind die Grunderwerbsteuersätze von vielen Bundesländern kontinuierlich erhöht worden. Aufgrund gleichzeitig zunehmender Transaktionszahlen hat sich die Grunderwerbsteuer zu einer sehr wichtigen Einnahmequelle der Bundesländer entwickelt. ...