This special issue contains a selection of six articles in the field of environmental and resource economics, which were presented in INFER workshops and supported events over the last two years.
Special issue on the environment, resources and pollution: New challenges for economic development
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
This special issue contains a selection of six articles in the field of environmental and resource economics, which were presented in INFER workshops and supported events over the last two years.
The topics include the effects of income inequality and freedom of the press on environmental stringency; the trade-environment nexus in China; the behavior of cross-country growth rates with respect to resource abundance and dependence; a stochastic frontier analysis to show that technological change is biased more towards energy rather than labor; how recycling and environmental taxes can affect the imbalances between the availability of and the demand for rare earth elements; and the interaction between demographic features and environmental constraints in Caribbean small island developing states. The papers include three empirical contributions and three methodological approaches, which help to improve our understanding of these topics.
Special issue on the environment, resources and pollution: New challenges for economic development
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
„China wertet den Yuan absichtlich ab, um Vorteile gegenüber Europa zu erlangen“
Mit Währungsmanipulationen versucht China, sich Vorteile im globalen Wettbewerb zu sichern – und Europa gerät unter Druck. Im Handelsblatt-Podcast „Economic Challenges“ diskutieren IW-Direktor Michael Hüther und HRI-Präsident Bert Rürup, wie die EU darauf ...
„Ohne die Automobilbranche wäre das Wirtschaftswachstum der vergangenen 25 Jahre in Deutschland undenkbar“
Die deutsche Autoindustrie steht unter starkem Druck durch chinesische Konkurrenz, steigende Kosten und den technologischen Wandel. Im Handelsblatt-Podcast „Economic Challenges“ diskutieren IW-Direktor Michael Hüther und HRI-Präsident Bert Rürup, was nötig ...