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Sandra Parthie Veranstaltung 18. Juni 2020 KAS-IW-Webinar: Reshoring of supply- and value-chains

Time to adapt the EU’s economic policy post-COVID19? The COVID-19 pandemic and its detrimental effects on public health, global supply- and value chains and industrial production, have brought back national export restrictions and stopped the free flow of goods and people.

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18. Jun
Sandra Parthie Veranstaltung 18. Juni 2020

KAS-IW-Webinar: Reshoring of supply- and value-chains

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Time to adapt the EU’s economic policy post-COVID19? The COVID-19 pandemic and its detrimental effects on public health, global supply- and value chains and industrial production, have brought back national export restrictions and stopped the free flow of goods and people.

During the crisis, growing demand, insufficient production, and national stockpiling of essential products such as personal protective equipment (PPE), pharmaceuticals and medical goods, caused shortages in the EU and beyond. So, what are the chances and risks of diversifying supply chains and reshoring production?

Will European consumers be willing to pay the (higher) price? How dependent are European markets on other regions? And, what measures must be taken to make international supply- and value chains more crisis-proof and independent?

Inhaltselement mit der ID 7540
Inhaltselement mit der ID 7538

We kindly invite you to join our webinar and to discuss these questions with Daniel Caspary, Member of the European Parliament, Prof. Dr. Galina Kolev, German Economic Institute (IW) and David Gregosz, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The discussion will be commented and chaired live from Brussels by Sandra Parthie, Head of the German Economic Institute’s Brussels Liaison Office.

Inhaltselement mit der ID 7534
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KAS-IW-Webinar: Reshoring of supply- and value-chains: Time to adapt the EU’s economic policy post-COVID19?


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Galina Kolev: Reshoring of supply- and value-chains: Time to adapt the EU’s economic policy post-COVID19?


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Inhaltselement mit der ID 8880