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Hubertus Bardt Veranstaltung 2. Dezember 2021 ITIF Conference: 2021 Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Annual Summit

The Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA) represents a network of more than 40 world-leading think tanks dedicated to advancing a positive view of trade, globalization, and innovation for the benefit of the global community.

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2. Dez
Hubertus Bardt Veranstaltung 2. Dezember 2021

ITIF Conference: 2021 Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Annual Summit

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

The Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA) represents a network of more than 40 world-leading think tanks dedicated to advancing a positive view of trade, globalization, and innovation for the benefit of the global community.

The GTIPA’s annual summits bring together alliance members with world-leading experts to explore creative solutions to the difficult economic, trade, and innovation challenges facing the international community. This year’s summit will explore: COVID-19 and digital transformation; the future of the WTO and global trade; transforming global supply chains for greater resiliency; getting intellectual property and data policies right to support innovation; and how states and regions can introduce effective public policies to stimulate local innovation. The event can be attended in-person or watched via livestream.

ITIF is pleased offer this event in-person for vaccinated registrants at our offices in Washington, DC. Please note that registration is required to participate and space is limited. All in-person guests will be required to follow our health and safety policies. The event will also be live-streamed to YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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Hubertus Bardt Veranstaltung

ITIF Conference: 2021 Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance Annual Summit

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