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  3. The ifo Education Survey: An ifo Survey on Public Preferences for Education Policy in Germany
Vera Freundl / Elisabeth Grewenig / Philipp Lergetporer / Franziska Pfaehler / Ruth Schüler / Katharina Wedel / Katharina Werner / Olivia With / Ludger Woessmann Externe Veröffentlichung 28. August 2023 The ifo Education Survey: An ifo Survey on Public Preferences for Education Policy in Germany

The ifo Education Survey (ifo Bildungsbarometer), an annual opinion survey on education topics in Germany, has been conducted by the ifo Center for the Economics of Education since 2014.

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The ifo Education Survey: An ifo Survey on Public Preferences for Education Policy in Germany
Vera Freundl / Elisabeth Grewenig / Philipp Lergetporer / Franziska Pfaehler / Ruth Schüler / Katharina Wedel / Katharina Werner / Olivia With / Ludger Woessmann Externe Veröffentlichung 28. August 2023

The ifo Education Survey: An ifo Survey on Public Preferences for Education Policy in Germany

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

The ifo Education Survey (ifo Bildungsbarometer), an annual opinion survey on education topics in Germany, has been conducted by the ifo Center for the Economics of Education since 2014.

The survey asks large representative samples of the adult population – over 4,000 participants per wave – about their opinion on education and education policies. Each year, the survey covers about 30 questions on topics at all relevant educational stages ranging from early childhood education and school policies to the apprenticeship system, universities, and lifelong learning. Each survey wave examines a specific focus topic – for example, education policies to integrate refugees in the 2016 wave or education policies during the Covid-19 pandemic in the 2020 wave.

The questionnaire of the ifo Education Survey is designed by the scientific team of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education. The actual implementation of the survey is carried out by different polling firms. The first four waves were surveyed both online and offline. Since 2018, the ifo Education Survey is conducted online-only. In addition to the representative sample of the German voting-age population, some waves include oversamples covering special interest groups such as parents, teachers, and adolescents.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
The ifo Education Survey: An ifo Survey on Public Preferences for Education Policy in Germany
Vera Freundl / Elisabeth Grewenig / Philipp Lergetporer / Franziska Pfaehler / Ruth Schüler / Katharina Wedel / Katharina Werner / Olivia With / Ludger Woessmann Externe Veröffentlichung 28. August 2023

The ifo Education Survey: An ifo Survey on Public Preferences for Education Policy in Germany

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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