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  3. On the Relevance of Global Value Chains and the Intra-European Division of Labour
Manuel Fritsch / Jürgen Matthes in National Institute Economic Review Externe Veröffentlichung 28. April 2020 On the Relevance of Global Value Chains and the Intra-European Division of Labour

This article first introduces the concept, the rationale, the causes and the genesis of global value chains from a worldwide perspective in the form of a brief overview.

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On the Relevance of Global Value Chains and the Intra-European Division of Labour
Manuel Fritsch / Jürgen Matthes in National Institute Economic Review Externe Veröffentlichung 28. April 2020

On the Relevance of Global Value Chains and the Intra-European Division of Labour

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

This article first introduces the concept, the rationale, the causes and the genesis of global value chains from a worldwide perspective in the form of a brief overview.

In the second empirical section, a closer look is taken at the intermediate trade integration in the EU. In particular, the employment effects of the intermediate trade connections for each EU member state and for selected sectors are highlighted. In the concluding section, it is explained why global value chains are particularly susceptible to rising protectionism. Moreover, tentative implications of the current coronavirus pandemic are pointed out.

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Externe Veröffentlichung
On the Relevance of Global Value Chains and the Intra-European Division of Labour
Manuel Fritsch / Jürgen Matthes in National Institute Economic Review Externe Veröffentlichung 28. April 2020

On the Relevance of Global Value Chains and the Intra-European Division of Labour

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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