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  3. Selected Aspects of Communication in German Election Campaigns
Knut Bergmann / Wolfram Wickert Thousand Oaks 1. Januar 1999 Selected Aspects of Communication in German Election Campaigns

Using numerous examples from various election campaigns for the German Bundestag, this article presents the special features of campaigning in Germany. The focus is on the much more pronounced role of political parties compared to the U.S. in particular, and conversely the less important role of candidates. Personalization is not yet as advanced in Germany as it is in other countries - although this was to change with the 1998 Bundestag election campaign.

Knut Bergmann / Wolfram Wickert Thousand Oaks 1. Januar 1999

Selected Aspects of Communication in German Election Campaigns

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Using numerous examples from various election campaigns for the German Bundestag, this article presents the special features of campaigning in Germany. The focus is on the much more pronounced role of political parties compared to the U.S. in particular, and conversely the less important role of candidates. Personalization is not yet as advanced in Germany as it is in other countries - although this was to change with the 1998 Bundestag election campaign.

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