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Björn Kauder / Niklas Potrafke in Public Choice Externe Veröffentlichung 10. Mai 2022 Rewarding conservative politicians?: Evidence from voting on same-sex marriage

We ask whether voters rewarded conservative politicians who voted in favor of same-sex marriage. The evidence is based on a rollcall vote in the German national parliament (Bundestag) in June 2017.

Externe Veröffentlichung
Evidence from voting on same-sex marriage
Björn Kauder / Niklas Potrafke in Public Choice Externe Veröffentlichung 10. Mai 2022

Rewarding conservative politicians?: Evidence from voting on same-sex marriage


Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

We ask whether voters rewarded conservative politicians who voted in favor of same-sex marriage. The evidence is based on a rollcall vote in the German national parliament (Bundestag) in June 2017.

That vote had a profound infuence on public discourse con cerning the social-political platforms of the conservative parties in Germany, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU). National elections took place in September 2017. We fnd that, when comparing the out comes of the 2017 and 2013 national elections, the vote share of conservative politicians who voted in favor of same-sex marriage was around 1.29% points higher (about 0.33 standard deviations of the change in the candidate’s vote share) than the vote share of conservative politicians who did not vote in favor of same-sex marriage. Voters appar ently were seeking policy outcomes other than economic ones when evaluating politicians’ performances in office.

Externe Veröffentlichung
Evidence from voting on same-sex marriage
Björn Kauder / Niklas Potrafke in Public Choice Externe Veröffentlichung 10. Mai 2022

Rewarding conservative politicians?: Evidence from voting on same-sex marriage


Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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