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Sandra Parthie Veranstaltung 8. Juni 2021 Online Event: Tackling supply chain management – the EU Due Diligence & Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directives

Moving beyond voluntary measures, the laws would require companies to scrutinize their own social and environmental impact all over the world, and to identify, prevent and remedy any harm to human rights or the environment their operations may cause.

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8. Jun
Sandra Parthie Veranstaltung 8. Juni 2021

Online Event: Tackling supply chain management – the EU Due Diligence & Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directives

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Moving beyond voluntary measures, the laws would require companies to scrutinize their own social and environmental impact all over the world, and to identify, prevent and remedy any harm to human rights or the environment their operations may cause.

On the national level, too, governments are attempting to introduce new regulations on the transparency of supply chain production and working conditions. While large multinational companies already have to report on non-financial issues, the new regulations also target SMEs.

But what would be the impact for activities of SMEs in third countries? How will companies from third countries be treated when attempting to access the EU’s single market? What responsibilities lie with governments? Could sector-specific approaches be a more efficient solution?

12.00 h Welcome
Dr. Hardy Ostry, Head of the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

12.10 h Statements
Lucrezia Busa, Member, Cabinet of Commissioner Didier Reynders
Antje Gerstein, Managing Director, Brussels Office of the German Retail Federation (HDE)
Dr. Adriana Neligan, Senior Economist, German Economic Institute (IW)

13.00 h Discussion and Q&A, chaired by
Sandra Parthie, Head, Brussels Office of the German Economic Institute (IW)

13.30 h End of event

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Tackling supply chain management – the EU Due Diligence & Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directives


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