The recent surge in inflation has sparked a sometimes polarizing debate among central bankers, analysts, policymakers and the wider public. In July 2021, the ECB changed its inflation objective to a symmetric 2% target over the medium term. But euro area inflation has surged to 5% in December.
Livestream debate: Rising inflation – is it here to stay?
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
The recent surge in inflation has sparked a sometimes polarizing debate among central bankers, analysts, policymakers and the wider public. In July 2021, the ECB changed its inflation objective to a symmetric 2% target over the medium term. But euro area inflation has surged to 5% in December.
This virtual panel discussion will bring together leading economists to discuss questions like the following: Are we merely witnessing a temporary blip, or could inflation turn into a sustained threat for citizens and markets? Does the ECB adequately balance the benefits and side effects of its monetary policy? What are the political ramifications of inflation?
Dr Christian Ossig, Chief Executive, BdB
Prof Danuta Maria Hübner, MEP (EPP, PL), ECON Committee
Prof Frank Smets, Director General Economics, European Central Bank
Prof Michael Hüther, Director, IW
Dr Holger Schmieding, Chief Economist, Berenberg
Alexander Weber, Bloomberg, Frankfurt
Prof Michael Hüther, Director, IW
15h00 Welcome note by Mr Ossig
15h05 Housekeeping + introduction of speakers by the moderator
15h10 Introductory remarks by the panelists
15h25 Questions to the panelists by the moderator
15h40 Open discussion with questions from the audience (Chat)
15h55 Concluding remarks by Mr Hüther
16h00 End of event
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