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Breakfast debate Veranstaltung 7. November 2017 Product Labelling - the Industrial Customer's Perspective

Labelling is recognized as a useful regulatory tool to bridge product-related information gaps in business-to-consumer (B2C) relations. When purchasing home appliances, uninformed consumers tend to be guided by the green-to-red-scale to learn about energy efficiency performance. This is where labels seem to make sense: they compensate for market failure.

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7. Nov
Breakfast debate Veranstaltung 7. November 2017

Product Labelling - the Industrial Customer's Perspective

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Labelling is recognized as a useful regulatory tool to bridge product-related information gaps in business-to-consumer (B2C) relations. When purchasing home appliances, uninformed consumers tend to be guided by the green-to-red-scale to learn about energy efficiency performance. This is where labels seem to make sense: they compensate for market failure.

In a business-to-business (B2B) context, however, the buyer is well informed of his purchases and related performance. Labelling initiatives often bring all types of products into one scope. This creates regulatory uncertainty for mechanical engineering companies who mainly trade with other businesses. As the European Parliament and Council prepare themselves to deliberate a recently tabled policy proposal for a label and certification framework on cyber security, a new evidence-based study by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research sheds light on why the industrial customer should be treated differently to the final consumer in upcoming legislation.

We would be delighted to have you join the presentation of the new study and take part in the Breakfast debate on "Product Labelling - the Industrial Customer's Perspective" with Martina Werner, MEP, member of the ITRE Committee

With introductory remarks by Dr. Manfred Wittenstein, WITTENSTEIN SE and IMPULS-Foundation, presentation by Dr. Karl Lichtblau, Cologne Institute for Economic Research, and concluding remarks by Naemi Denz, German Engineering Association VDMA.

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Product Labelling - the Industrial Customer's Perspective


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