At the beginning of this year, the European Commission launched the first cycle of the Digital Decade policy program.
Europe’s Digital Decade: how to reach a skilled workforce in 2030 to succeed in the digital transformation?
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
At the beginning of this year, the European Commission launched the first cycle of the Digital Decade policy program.
In cooperation with the Member states, this program will guide Europe’s digital transformation with concrete targets and objectives for 2030 in four key areas: skills, infrastructure, business and government. Each year, the Commission will publish a state of the Digital Decade report to measure and assess the progress of the EU level trajectories and the Digital Decade targets.
At the same time, 2023 marks the year of skills. Digital and data skills are particularly important for a successful digital transformation. Therefore, during this event, we focus on the path to a skilled workforce by 2030 that enables the European economy to successfully transform and remain innovative and competitive.
Which skills will be needed for a successful digital transformation? What are the paths for a successful upskilling, especially for SMEs? What can the Member states do to support the transformation of their economies and the provision of skills?
The Brussels Office of the German Economic Institute and the French tech organisation Numeum are looking forward to welcome you to their event.
11h30 Registration
12h-13h15 Discussion
Georgi Dimitrov, Head of Unit Digital Education, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission
María de Miguel de Santos, Spanish Presidency of the EU (TBC)
Gaëlle Picard, Representative of Numeum
Vera Demary, Head of Digitization, German Economic Institute (IW)
Moderated by Philipp Saueracker, European Affairs Analyst, German Economic Institute (IW) and
Anissa Kemiche, EU Head of Office, Numeum
13h15-14h Reception and Networking with light lunch
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