Pressured housing markets in many big cities in OECD countries mean that rent regulation is back on the political agenda. In Germany, stronger rent regulations were introduced in 2015. In 2020, Berlin not only introduced a 5-year rent freeze but also a rent cap that allows for rent decreases on a large scale.
Virtual workshop: Recent Trends in Rental Market Regulation
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Pressured housing markets in many big cities in OECD countries mean that rent regulation is back on the political agenda. In Germany, stronger rent regulations were introduced in 2015. In 2020, Berlin not only introduced a 5-year rent freeze but also a rent cap that allows for rent decreases on a large scale.
In Ireland, housing policy and specifically continued rental regulation was one of the major topics in the electoral campaign. Highly political discussions about rental regulation are also taking place in the US, UK, Sweden, Spain and other countries.
Against this background, the International Journal of Housing Policy is planning a special issue on the new rental regulations and its impact on the housing market, the mortgage market and the real economy. In preparation of this special issue, a workshop on rental regulation was organized by the editors of the special issue, Christine Whitehead (London School of Economics) and Michael Voigtländer (German Economic Institute / Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft).
20 and 21 January 2021
9:30 h to 15:30 h
Virtual workshop: Recent Trends in Rental Market Regulation
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