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Dominik Enste in IZA World of Labor Externe Veröffentlichung 23. Oktober 2024 The shadow economy in industrial countries

The shadow (underground) economy has a major impact on society and economy in many countries. People evade taxes and regulations by working in the shadow economy or by employing people illegally.

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The shadow economy in industrial countries
Dominik Enste in IZA World of Labor Externe Veröffentlichung 23. Oktober 2024

The shadow economy in industrial countries

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

The shadow (underground) economy has a major impact on society and economy in many countries. People evade taxes and regulations by working in the shadow economy or by employing people illegally.

On the one hand, this unregulated economic activity can result in reduced tax revenue and fewer public goods and services, lower tax morale and less tax compliance, higher control costs, and lower economic growth rates. But on the other hand, the shadow economy can be a powerful force fostering institutional change and boosting the overall production of goods and services in an economy. The shadow economy has implications on the political order and institutional change.

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The shadow economy in industrial countries
Dominik Enste in IZA World of Labor Externe Veröffentlichung 23. Oktober 2024

The shadow economy in industrial countries

Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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