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Philipp Saueracker Veranstaltung 10. Februar 2022 Webinar: Is the EU ready for the data economy?

The new year has come with some mixed news for the data economy. With the EU’s Data Governance Act (DGA) being approved, the Digital Services and Markets Acts (DSA & DMA) at a developed stage of the legislative process, the EU is marching ahead in its ambition to create a strategy for a data economy.

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10. Feb
Philipp Saueracker Veranstaltung 10. Februar 2022

Webinar: Is the EU ready for the data economy?

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

The new year has come with some mixed news for the data economy. With the EU’s Data Governance Act (DGA) being approved, the Digital Services and Markets Acts (DSA & DMA) at a developed stage of the legislative process, the EU is marching ahead in its ambition to create a strategy for a data economy.

Whilst some may view these pieces of legislation as a step forward in promoting innovation for the benefit of society, others argue that the EU will not be able to balance tech sovereignty and data protection with open markets and free trade, especially for companies based in the USA. Is the industry prepared to manage these volumes of data? Are current business models ready for these new digital rules? What are the potential problems with data sharing and processing? Can the EU find a model to incentivise secure data sharing for companies? Are the EU, its companies, and its citizens, data-ready?

To discuss these and other questions the German Economic Institute and the European Liberal Forum cordially invite you to their Panel discussion “Is the EU ready for the data economy?” on 10th of February 2022, from 11h-12h30, on Zoom.

Sandro Gozi, MEP, Renew Europe Group
Federico Milani, Deputy Head of Unit “Data Policy and Innovation” in DG CNECT, European Commission
Dr. Vera Demary, Head of Digitisation Research at German Economic Institute
Siada El Ramly, Director General, Dot Europe

Moderated by Dr Antonios Nestoras, European Liberal Forum

11.00 Welcome by German Economic Institute
11.05 Panel discussion
12.05 Q&A with the audience
12.20 Closing remarks by European Liberal Forum
12.30 End of event

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