An extended concept for intangible investment does not lead to additional investment momentum in the case of Germany. This corresponds to experiences with former extension of investments in national accounts.
Measuring Modern Business Investment: A Case Study for Germany
Artikel in World Economics
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
An extended concept for intangible investment does not lead to additional investment momentum in the case of Germany. This corresponds to experiences with former extension of investments in national accounts.
Also, growth in real GDP and the related labour productivity dynamics are not higher when a broader definition of investment in the form of intangibles is applied. Even if the investment processes are defined beyond the measurement concept for intangibles established by Corrado, Hulten and Sichel, there are no fundamentally different findings for German investment dynamics based on a special company survey. However, these findings should not be misunderstood as suggesting there is no need for action in terms of statistical measurement. Extended concepts and estimates signal for Germany considerable level effects of a more broadly defined investment concept.
Michael Grömling: Measuring Modern Business Investment – A Case Study for Germany
Artikel in World Economics
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

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