The need for reform within the WTO goes without saying. From criticism concerning its undemocratic decision making and de facto suspension of the dispute settlement procedure to its inability to deal with imbalances stemming from state subsidies or market access – there are many things to fix.
Online-Roundtable: WTO reform: New Leadership, New Hope?
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
The need for reform within the WTO goes without saying. From criticism concerning its undemocratic decision making and de facto suspension of the dispute settlement procedure to its inability to deal with imbalances stemming from state subsidies or market access – there are many things to fix.
The new US administration with its pro-multilateralism offers some renewed hope as does the new leadership by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the first woman and African at the top of the organisation.
So, what can we expect from the new US administration? And how does the EU’s concept of “open strategic autonomy” fit into the reform agenda? Can the WTO be resuscitated, or do we need a WTO 2.0?
The European Liberal Forum and the German Economic Institute (IW) cordially invite you to their Online-Roundtable „WTO reform: New Leadership, new hope?“.
14h00 Welcome
Daniel Kaddik, Executive Director, European Liberal Forum
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14h05 Panel debate
- Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Director DG Trade – Multilateral Affairs, Strategy, Analysis, Evaluation – European Commission
- Barry Andrews, MEP, Renew Europe Group
- Prof. Galina Kolev, Head of Research Group Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecast at German Economic Institute
- Cristina Falcone, Vice President of Public Affairs, UPS Europe & Board Member of American Chamber of Commerce to the EU
Moderated by Sandra Parthie, Head of Brussels Office, German Economic Institute
14h45 Q&A
15h10 Closing remarks
Sandra Parthie, Head of Brussels Office, German Economic Institute
15h15-15h30 Fading out
The event will take place online (Zoom Webinar) on Wednesday, 21 April 2021, from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. Please find the programme attached.
Online-Roundtable: WTO reform: New Leadership, new hope?

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