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Dominik Enste Veranstaltung 17. Januar 2019 The Exhausted Globalization: Dwindling Growth, Rising Tensions

Signs of crisis dominate current debates: Social cohesion is said to be dwindling, po-litical structures and multilateralism are eroding and the sustainability of economic conditions is questioned.

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17. Jan
Dominik Enste Veranstaltung 17. Januar 2019

The Exhausted Globalization: Dwindling Growth, Rising Tensions

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Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Signs of crisis dominate current debates: Social cohesion is said to be dwindling, po-litical structures and multilateralism are eroding and the sustainability of economic conditions is questioned.

Rapid innovations, disappointments with negative effects of economic growth, increasing uncertainty and conflicts due to globalisation and digital-isation are in combination with a seemingly decreasing political power of great im-portance for the further development of our societies. How can the “exhausted global-ization” be resuscitated? What are the challenges for the wealth and growth of na-tions and how are they met by inclusive growth theories and approaches? What are similarities, what are differences between approaches of economists and sociologists in dealing with these topics?

We are very much looking forward to our Round Table Debate!

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The Exhausted Globalization: Dwindling Growth, Rising Tensions


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Dominik Enste: Growth and Globalization


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Michael Hüther: The Exhausted Globalization


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Hans-Peter Klös: Dwindling or inclusive growth? – A Comment


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Lucio Baccaro: The Politics of Growth


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