Government and social partner actions

Addressing the gender pay gap
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Government and social partner actions
The gender pay gap and measures which might reduce it rank high on the agenda of the government and the social partner organisations, as can be seen from the many initiatives that have been launched over the last few years. However, while the unions claim that voluntary programmes and initiatives have not proved successful in reducing the gender pay gap and promoting gender mainstreaming and thus call for legislative action, the employers' associations strongly oppose any mandatory measures by the government addressing issues such as pay and recruitment.

Addressing the gender pay gap
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Was die Unternehmen von der nächsten Regierung erwarten
Bedeutung der Grunderwerbsteuer für das Wohnungsangebot
In den letzten Jahren sind die Grunderwerbsteuersätze von vielen Bundesländern kontinuierlich erhöht worden. Aufgrund gleichzeitig zunehmender Transaktionszahlen hat sich die Grunderwerbsteuer zu einer sehr wichtigen Einnahmequelle der Bundesländer entwickelt. ...