In this special issue of "Managerial and Decision Economics" we collect eight papers from 16 authors from nine countries (Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA)) analyzing the future of academic publishing from an economics perspective, dealing with (A) academic publishing and measurement of academic performance, (B) the comparison of the open versus closed access publishing regime from a social welfare perspective and (C) recent policy attempts towards the future of academic publishing in the digital world.
Economic Perspectives on the Future of Academic Publishing
Prof. Dr. Thomas Eger / Dr. Marc Scheufen (Hrsg.), Special Issue in Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(8)
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
In this special issue of "Managerial and Decision Economics" we collect eight papers from 16 authors from nine countries (Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA)) analyzing the future of academic publishing from an economics perspective, dealing with (A) academic publishing and measurement of academic performance, (B) the comparison of the open versus closed access publishing regime from a social welfare perspective and (C) recent policy attempts towards the future of academic publishing in the digital world.
Editors: Prof. Dr. Thomas Eger (Uni Hamburg)/ Dr. Marc Scheufen (IW, Koeln & RUB)
Link to the special issue:
Contributions of the Special Issue:
Part A:
Eger/Scheufen, "Economic Perspectives on the Future of Academic Publishing: Introduction to the Special Issue"
Migheli/Ramello, "The Unbearable Lightness of Scientrometric Indices"
Part B:
Mueller-Langer/Watt, "Optimal Pricing and Quality of Academic Journals and the Ambigous Effects of Forced Open Access: A Two-Sided Model"
McCabe/ Snyder, "Cite Unseen: Theory and Evidence on the Effect of Open Access on Cites to Academic Articles Across the Quality Spectrum"
Eger/Mertens/Scheufen, "Publication Cultures and the Citation Impact of Open Access"
Handke/Guilbault/Vallbé, "Copyright's Impact on Data Mining in Academic Research"
Part C:
Armstrong, "Plan S: An Economist's Perspective"
Haucap/Moshgbar/Schmal, "The Impact of the German 'DEAL' on Competition in the Academic Publishing Market"
Economic Perspectives on the Future of Academic Publishing
Prof. Dr. Thomas Eger / Dr. Marc Scheufen (Hrsg.), Special Issue in Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(8)
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
Economic perspectives on the future of academic publishing: Introduction to the special issue

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