As governments across the world continue to face the challenge of tackling Covid-19, the current crisis also presents an unprecedented opportunity to reboot global economies in a manner that builds more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient societies, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.
Sustainable Finance: How to finance and achieve global decarbonisation
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
As governments across the world continue to face the challenge of tackling Covid-19, the current crisis also presents an unprecedented opportunity to reboot global economies in a manner that builds more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient societies, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.
Such a global green recovery is an important focus of the UK Presidencies of the G7 and COP26, the international climate conference, in partnership with Italy who are also holding the G20 Presidency. Both Germany and the UK have taken domestic action to invest in a green recovery, but more still needs to be done at a global level both in industrialised and emerging economies.
How do the UK, Germany and other like-minded countries encourage sustainable finance strategies as a cornerstone to mobilise green investments – at best at an international/global level? How can green investments be incentivised globally, and can central banks play a meaningful role? Are financial markets becoming “greener”? How green are financial markets yet?
Join our virtual event, run jointly by the German Economic Institute (IW) and the British Embassy Berlin, to discuss these and other important questions around the acceleration of global green finance.
The event will take place online (per MS Teams) on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 from 15.00 to 16.15 (CET). It will be moderated by Markus Demary (German Economic Institute (IW)).
After registration (approx. one day prior to the event) you will receive an email with the link to the event in MS Teams.
15:00 – 15:10 Welcome & Scene setter: the road to COP26 Summit, by the British Embassy
Nick Alexander OBE, Counsellor (Global and Economic Issues), British Embassy
15:10 – 16:10 Panel Discussion “How green are financial markets and where do we go from here?”
Caroline Haas, Head of Climate and ESG Capital Markets, Natwest Group
Christoph Reißfelder, Head of Liaison Office Berlin, Heidelberg Cement
Philippa Sigl-Glöckner, Director, Dezernat Zukunft – Institut für Makrofinanzen
Elisabetta Siracusa, Principal Adviser, DG FISMA, European Commission
16:10-16:15 Closing remarks by the German Economic Institute (IW)
Markus Demary, Senior Economist, German Economic Institute (IW)
Sustainable Finance: How to finance and achieve global decarbonisation

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