While Member states are ultimately responsible for their energy mix; their decisions have cross-border consequences. They impact the prices at the EEX and the use and need for interconnectors. We want to take a holistic look at these dynamics and focus on the costs.
Breakfast debate: How to reduce electricity prices – ideas of the Affordable Energy Act
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
While Member states are ultimately responsible for their energy mix; their decisions have cross-border consequences. They impact the prices at the EEX and the use and need for interconnectors. We want to take a holistic look at these dynamics and focus on the costs.
The proportion of renewable energies overall is set to increase in future. Due to the decentralised feed-in to the grid and the volatility of the electricity supply, the complexity of the overall system is increasing. Generation, storage, and use must be harmonised. The European legislator has created a framework for the ramp-up of RE, which is gradually being implemented and applied. But energy suppliers have limited room for maneuver when it comes to pricing.
The breakfast debate will take place on January 29, 8.30-10.30 a.m., at the EESC premises, Rue Belliard 99/101, Room 3252. Please register at this link.
8h30 light breakfast
9h00 Welcome by Sandra Parthie, Head of Brussels Office, German Economic Institute
9h05 Presentation on situation in Germany by Andreas Fischer, German Economic Institute
& Sascha Schröder, EWE
9h20 Panel discussion:
- EU Commission, DG ENER
- Czech Chamber of Commerce
- Permanent Representation of Germany
10h00 Q&A
10h30 End of event
As the event will take place at the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee, you will receive an email with instructions to register as a visitor to the institution.

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