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Permanent projects of the German Economic Institute.

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Climate targets alone do not guarantee success. To achieve them, concrete measures and a joint learning process between science, politics, business and society are needed. In the Ariadne project, citizens have therefore also been involved in the research processes on political options for the energy transition from the very beginning via deliberation formats.

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Optimize operations, ensure quality, attract skilled workers: Work-oriented basic training (AoG) is worthwhile, especially in view of demographic change and the need for skilled workers. It helps to utilize the professional potential of semi-skilled and unskilled workers.

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„The BQ Portal – The information portal for foreign vocational qualifications“ supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy helps companies and relevant local authorities to better assess foreign vocational qualifications.

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Digitization and Work Design in Geriatric Care

Making the Vocational Education and Training staff fit for the challenges of digitalization is the declared goal of the „NETWORK Q 4.0 - Network for the Qualification of VET Staff in the Digital Transformation“

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See how the international standard ECLASS  provides a common language for electronic data exchange and internal communication. 

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As part of a large network of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, we report on labor market issues.

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A well-connected financial sector is crucial for financing and implementing forward-looking ideas for the climate-neutral transformation. This is why the state of North Rhine-Westphalia has founded its own financial center initiative Fin.Connect.NRW. The initiative is primarily concerned with financing the economic transformation, initiating proposed solutions and launching projects.

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FIT FÜR DIE WIRTSCHAFT (Ready for Economy) is a modular teaching concept for 8th and 9th grade students. Find out how they are profitting.

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Data itself and, above all, its exchange, use and exploitation in the entrepreneurial context have enormous significance for shaping an economically successful future - for individual companies as well as the economy as a whole. Although the innovation potentials for coexistence and value-creating activities are enormous, data is still insufficiently used in Germany.

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The IW-Elan software helps employers with the notification of severely disabled persons according to national laws. Also: Info on the display and program and savings calculator.

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The nationwide JUNIOR programmes offer pupils the opportunity to set up their own school enterprise for one year. Read more about the offers.

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Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung

The Competence Center for Securing a Skilled Workforce - KOFA for short - supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in structuring their HR work. The project is carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and is based at the German Economic Institute (IW). KOFA has been in existence since May 2011.

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Make it in Germany

The official portal of the Federal Government "Make it in Germany" bundles all important information for skilled workers from abroad on careers and life in Germany. Learn more.  

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Twice a year, the IW produces the MINT Report with the support of Gesamtmetall and BDA.

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MLP Student Housing Report

In the Students' Road to 4.0 project, students and trainees are familiarized with the requirements of digital change in companies.

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Netzwerk Q 4.0

The aim of the „NETWORK Q 4.0 - Network for the training of vocational training staff in the digital transformation“ is to bring vocational trainers up to speed for the challenges of digitalisation.

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Patent database

Evaluations of the IW patent database are carried out for various projects and third-party funded research projects.

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Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany

The project Pharmastandort Deutschland (Pharmaceutical Location Germany) deals with the location conditions for research-intensive pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.

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PROZEUS (from the German for ‘processes and standards’) promotes electronic business communication in small and medium-sized enterprises.

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The central information service on occupational participation REHADAT compiles and publishes information on disability and occupational inclusion.

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Find out here how the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT Deutschland network promotes cooperation between schools and business and helps with the transition to work.

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As a unique nationwide platform where industry, science and politics work together, IN4climate.NRW provides a space for the development of innovative strategies for a climate-neutral industry.

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ZIA-IW Real Estate Sentiment Index (ISI)

The ZIA-IW Real Estate Sentiment Index (ISI) surveys the business situation and expectations of companies in the real estate industry and thus provides an outlook on the real estate economy (more)

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Zukunft der Arbeit – Roman Herzog Institut

„Future of Work“ is the focus of the institute. It seeks new answers to the essential questions in an interdisciplinary discourse.

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