Alongside digitalization, climate change is the megatrend of our time. Our economy is still largely dependent on fossil energies. How must the economy be shaped so that it is in harmony with the environment? What does an economically efficient and socially acceptable climate policy look like? How can energy needs be met more and more from renewable sources? Can the transformation to a circular economy succeed? These and other questions are addressed by the Environment Energy Infrastructure competence area at the Institute of German Business.

About the topic
In 2015, Germany and the EU set themselves ambitious goals by signing the UN Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. Important levers for greater sustainability exist, for example, in transport, the building sector and industry. The EU also has big plans when it comes to climate protection: The Green Deal is intended to pave the way to a climate-neutral future. The money for this - one trillion euros - is to be raised via a fund and come from private investors.
German Economic Institute (IW)

Advisory Speed Predominates: The Results of an IW Analysis of Traffic and Speed on Motorways in North Rhine-Westphalia
Between mid-May and the end of August 2024, the German Economic Institute (IW) carried out its third analysis of driving behaviour on those stretches of motorways in North Rhine-Westphalia, which have no permanent speed limit.
Thomas Puls / Jan Wendt IW
Financing the Sustainability Agenda
Financing the necessary innovations and investments for a successful decarbonisation in the EU is challenging. The main reasons are tighter banking regulations, increased bureaucracy for loan applications and portfolio reallocations away from carbon-intensive ...
Markus Demary / Adriana Neligan in Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies IW

Market Report of Circular Business Models in the Electronics Market in Germany
Electronic devices are essential in daily life, but their widespread use has led to environmental challenges. Circular business models—such as second-hand sales and rental services —are key to mitigating these effects by extending the useful life of a product ...
Adriana Neligan / Lennart Bolwin / Circularity* / Deloitte* / Fraunhofer IZM* / Systemiq* IW

The automotive industry in 2024
Since the turn of the millennium, the epicenter of the global automotive industry has shifted to Asia. Virtually all growth has taken place in Asia and China in particular. In 2023, almost 60 percent of all motor vehicles were built in Asia and almost 50 ...
Thomas Puls IW
Our Experts

Prof. Dr. Hubertus Bardt
Managing Director
Tel: +49 221 4981-750 Mail: Hubertus Bardt @H_Bardt
Andreas Fischer
Economist for Energy and Climate Policy
Tel: +49 221 4981-402 Mail:
Dr. Adriana Neligan
Senior Economist for Environment, Circular Economy and Sustainability
Tel: +49 30 27877-128 Mail: Adriana Neligan @a_neligan
Thomas Puls
Senior Economist for Transport and Infrastructure
Tel: +49 221 4981-766 Mail:
Dr. Thilo Schaefer
Head of Digitalisation and Climate Action Research Unit
Tel: +49 221 4981-791 Mail: Thilo SchaeferAlongside digitalization, climate change is the megatrend of our time. Our economy is still largely dependent on fossil energies. How must the economy be shaped so that it is in harmony with the environment? What does an economically efficient and socially acceptable climate policy look like? How can energy needs be met more and more from renewable sources? Can the transformation to a circular economy succeed? These and other questions are addressed by the Environment Energy Infrastructure competence area at the Institute of German Business.
All news

Advisory Speed Predominates: The Results of an IW Analysis of Traffic and Speed on Motorways in North Rhine-Westphalia
Between mid-May and the end of August 2024, the German Economic Institute (IW) carried out its third analysis of driving behaviour on those stretches of motorways in North Rhine-Westphalia, which have no permanent speed limit.
Thomas Puls / Jan Wendt IW

Financing the Sustainability Agenda
Financing the necessary innovations and investments for a successful decarbonisation in the EU is challenging. The main reasons are tighter banking regulations, increased bureaucracy for loan applications and portfolio reallocations away from carbon-intensive industries.
Markus Demary / Adriana Neligan in Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies IW

Market Report of Circular Business Models in the Electronics Market in Germany
Electronic devices are essential in daily life, but their widespread use has led to environmental challenges. Circular business models—such as second-hand sales and rental services —are key to mitigating these effects by extending the useful life of a product or intensifying the usage.
Adriana Neligan / Lennart Bolwin / Circularity* / Deloitte* / Fraunhofer IZM* / Systemiq* IW

The automotive industry in 2024
Since the turn of the millennium, the epicenter of the global automotive industry has shifted to Asia. Virtually all growth has taken place in Asia and China in particular. In 2023, almost 60 percent of all motor vehicles were built in Asia and almost 50 percent were sold there.
Thomas Puls IW

Compendium 5.5: CO2 Regulation of Road Transport in Europe
With the Compendium CO2 Regulation in Europe, the IW has been providing the interested public with a comprehensive collection of data on the development of CO2 emissions from passenger car traffic in the European Union, as well as on the applicable regulatory framework, since 2015.
Thomas Puls IW
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