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Twice a year, the IW produces the MINT Report with the support of Gesamtmetall and BDA.

Content element with id 1312

Twice a year, the IW produces the MINT Report with the support of Gesamtmetall and BDA. In recent years, the "MINT Report" has become a standard reference in the STEM field. The MINT Report provides data on the STEM labor market, differentiated by region and district. Separate evaluations are also carried out for the M+E industry. In addition to bottleneck indicators, the report focuses in particular on the development of employment subject to social insurance contributions in STEM occupations, differentiated by field of study, region, gender, nationality and other characteristics. Furthermore, the importance of STEM education and availability of skilled workers for Germany's innovative strength will be analyzed. For this purpose, data from the IW patent database on the topics of digitalization, decarbonization are also evaluated. STEM plays a central role, particularly for the success of the transformation process to be mastered in the coming years, as the challenges of demography, digitization and decarbonization can only be mastered through high-quality STEM education and sufficient availability of skilled workers. 

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Axel Plünnecke

Prof. Dr. Axel Plünnecke

Head of Education, Innovation and Immigration Research Unit

Tel: +49 221 4981-701 @A_Pluennecke
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Christina Anger

Dr. Christina Anger

Head of the Research Group Microdata and Method Development

Tel: +49 221 4981-718
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Oliver Koppel

Dr. Oliver Koppel

Team leader patent database

Tel: +49 221 4981-716
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