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Sandra Parthie Veranstaltung 9. Juli 2020 VCI and IW Digital Dialogue Series: The External Perspective on the Green Deal

Jointly with the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), we - the German Economic Institute (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft, IW) - are pleased to invite you to the second VCI and IW Webinar „Making the Green Deal work for European Industry”.

9. Jul
Sandra Parthie Veranstaltung 9. Juli 2020

VCI and IW Digital Dialogue Series: The External Perspective on the Green Deal


Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)

Jointly with the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), we - the German Economic Institute (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft, IW) - are pleased to invite you to the second VCI and IW Webinar „Making the Green Deal work for European Industry”.

Together with 3 high-level speakers we would like to discuss with you: „The external perspective on the Green Deal: Standard-setter or fortress Europe?”

Given the lack of climate ambition at the global level, the EU decided to act solo with the European Green Deal. The soft power Europe wants to lead by example with the view of becoming a global leader in transformative low-carbon technologies, while establishing new business standards. Thus, many key partners are assessing the possible impact of the Green Deal on their political and economic relations with the EU.

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9 July 2020

10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Against this background, the webinar will look at:

  • What is the perception of main partners on the Green Deal?
  • Is there a risk of „green” protectionism in Europe?
  • Will European industrial competitiveness benefit or suffer at the international level?
  • How to promote solutions for global climate and environment rules?

Christopher Cooter,
Chargé d’affaires of Canada to the European Union
Charlotte Roule, Vice President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China and CEO Engie China
Bernd Lange, MEP and Chair of the International Trade Committee (INTA)

Moderation: Sandra Parthie, Head of Brussels Office and European Affairs, IW

Please click here to join the webinar.
Feel free to forward this link to your interested colleagues.

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