The Corona virus is an unprecedented challenge to the EU. All member states have put their citizens into some form of lockdown for several weeks now. Supply chains are interrupted, manufacturing is stopped, services are suspended. The economic consequences are unparalleled, challenging politics to implement crisis management measures on national but also on European level.
BdB and IW Webinar: The ECB’s answer to the Corona crisis
Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
The Corona virus is an unprecedented challenge to the EU. All member states have put their citizens into some form of lockdown for several weeks now. Supply chains are interrupted, manufacturing is stopped, services are suspended. The economic consequences are unparalleled, challenging politics to implement crisis management measures on national but also on European level.
The European Central Bank (ECB) plays a crucial role in providing support to the economy and has adopted a package of crisis management measures. Therefore, we discuss with our distinguished speakers: How do these measures work? Will they be enough? What else may be needed and is there even anything else the ECB – or the EU – could do?
<style type="text/css">@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { .TeaserPersonBasic_job_title{ margin-bottom: 9rem; } } </style> Welcome Note:
Sandra Parthie, German Economic Institute
Introductory remarks:
Katrin Assenmacher, Head of Monetary Policy Strategy Division, ECB
Panel discussion:
Katrin Assenmacher, Head of Monetary Policy Strategy Division, ECB
Markus Demary, Senior Economist, German Economic Institute
Markus Becker-Melching, Member of the Management Board, BdB
Sandra Parthie, Head of the Brussels Liaison Office, German Economic Institute
Katrin Assenmacher: The ECB’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
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