Dr. Christian Rusche
Senior Economist for Competition and Structural Change
Tel: +49 221 4981-412 Mail: Graduation as Diplom-Volkswirt at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg.
- 2015 Completion of doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Technical University of Dortmund
- Since 2016 at the IW
Research unit
IW Publications
Hüther, Michael / Bardt, Hubertus / Bähr, Cornelius / Matthes, Jürgen / Röhl, Klaus-Heiner / Rusche, Christian / Schaefer, Thilo, 2023, Industriepolitik in der Zeitenwende, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 7, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie
Büchel, Jan / Rusche, Christian, 2023, Datenbewertung der Unternehmen – Status quo und Auswirkungen von Unsicherheit, in: IW-Trends, 50. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 107-125
Zur Studie
Büchel, Jan / Rusche, Christian, 2023, Theoretische Auswirkungen von Unsicherheit bei der Bewertung von Daten. Ein mikroökonomischer Ansatz, Studie im Rahmen Projekts IEDS, gefördert und betreut durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), IW-Report, Nr. 33, Köln
Zur Studie
Engler, Jan Felix / Rusche, Christian, 2023, Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen des 9-Euro-Tickets, in: IW-Trends, 50. Jg., Nr. 1, S. 3-21
Zur Studie
Sultan, Samina / Rusche, Christian / Busch, Berthold / Bardt, Hubertus, 2022, Single Market Emergency Instrument. An instrument with pitfalls, IW-Kurzbericht, Nr. 85, Köln
Zur Studie
Bardt, Hubertus / Busch, Berthold / Rusche, Christian / Sultan, Samina, 2022, Single Market Emergency Instrument. Ein Instrument mit Tücken, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 7, Köln
Zur Studie
Bardt, Hubertus / Parthie, Sandra / Rusche, Christian, 2022, Europäische Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Potenziale nutzen, um nachhaltig zu wachsen, IW-Report, Nr. 12, Köln / Brüssel
Zur Studie
Goecke, Henry / Rusche, Christian, 2021, Corona-Schock für den Handel in deutschen Innenstädten. Eine empirische Analyse mit Passantendaten, in: IW-Trends, 48. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 25-44
Zur Studie
(in cooperation with Marc Scheufen)
Der Wolf im Schafspelz – Zur Ökonomik der EU-Urheberrechtsreform
IW-Kurzbericht 23/2019
Chinesische Beteiligungen und Übernahmen 2018 in Deutschland
IW-Kurzbericht 5/2018
(in cooperation with Marc Scheufen)
On (Intellectual) Property and other Legal Frameworks in the Digital Economy
IW-Report 48/2018
(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
Zukunftsfaktor 5G – Eine ökonomische Perspektive
IW-Report 45/2018
(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
The Economics of Platforms
IW-Analyse, Forschungsbericht Nr. 123
(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
Daten als Wettbewerbsfaktor
IW-Kurzbericht 58/2018
(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
Digitale Plattformen – noch ein B2C-Geschäft
IW-Kurzbericht 56/2018
(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
Digitale Plattformen – China dominiert
IW-Kurzbericht 55/2018
(in cooperation with Jasmina Kirchhoff)
Versandhandel – Keine Bedrohung für den Apothekenmarkt
IW-Kurzbericht 15/2018
Chinesische Investoren in Deutschland in 2017 sehr aktiv
IW-Kurzbericht 9/2018
(in cooperation with Markus Demary)
Strengthened competition in payment services
IW-Kurzbericht 4/2018
Chinesische Investitionen in den deutschen Bundesländern
IW-Kurzbericht 60/2017
Aktivitäten chinesischer Investoren in Deutschland
IW-Trends 2/2017
Machtverteilung nach Wahlen – Eine spieltheoretische Analyse der Wahlergebnisse in Schleswig-Holstein und Nordrhein-Westfalen
IW-Report 15/2017
(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
Zwischen Kooperation und Wettbewerb – Industrie 4.0 und europäisches Kartellrecht
IW-Report 14/2017
Wettbewerbsrecht 2.0
IW-Kurzbericht 20/2017
Potenziale von Standards für die deutsche Wirtschaft
IW policy papers 2/2017
(in cooperation with Vera Demary, Barbara Engels, Klaus-Heiner Röhl)
Digitalisierung und Mittelstand – Eine Metastudie
IW-Analyse, Forschungsbericht Nr. 109
(in cooperation with Vera Demary, Barbara Engels, Manuel Fritsch, Henry Goecke, Alevtina Krotova, Marc Scheufen, Christopher Thiele, Karl Lichtblau, Edgar Schmitz, Boris Otto, Tobias Korte, Can Azkan, Markus Spiekermann, Dominik Lis, Joshua Gelhaar, Lennart Iggenna, Lukas Maisel, Bernd Trautmann, Jens Fiedler, Osianoh Aliu, Pascal Bresser, Nils Müller)
Data Economy. Status quo der deutschen Wirtschaft & Handlungsfelder in der Data Economy
Studie für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), 2019
(in cooperation with Christoph Busch, Vera Demary, Barbara Engels, Justus Haucap, Christiane Kehder, Ina Loebert)
Sharing Economy im Wirtschaftsraum Deutschland
Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie, 2018
(in cooperation with Vera Demary, Barbara Engels)
Qualitative und quantitative Auswirkungen der Sharing Economy in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Gutachten für das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Industrie, Mittelstand und Handwerk des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2016
External Publications
Rusche, Christian / Schaefer, Thilo, 2024, Is the EU Fit for 55 and Beyond?, in: Intereconomics, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 77-82
Zur Studie
Rusche, Christian, 2024, Theories of Harm Because of Data, in: CPI Antitrust Chronicle, February 2024, S. 3-7
Zur Studie
Rusche, Christian, 2023, The anti‑steering provision of Article 5 (4) of the DMA: a law and economics assessment on the business model of gatekeepers and business users, in: European Journal of Law and Economics,
Zur Studie
Mouton, Jeanne / Rusche, Christian, 2023, To share or not to share. Regulating Data Brokers, in: Competition Policy International, S. 2-7
Zur Studie
Sultan, Samina / Rusche, Christian / Bardt, Hubertus / Busch, Berthold, 2023, Single Market Emergency Instrument. A Tool with Pitfalls, in: Intereconomics, 58. Jg., Heft 3, S. 160-166
Zur Studie
Bardt, Hubertus / Röhl, Klaus-Heiner / Rusche, Christian, 2022, Subsidizing Semiconductor Production for a Strategically Autonomous European Union?, in: The Economists’ Voice,
Zur Studie
(gemeinsam mit Marc Scheufen)
Sinn und Unsinn der EU-Urheberrechtsreform
Ifo Schnelldienst, 72. Jg., Heft 13, 2019, S. 3–5
(gemeinsam mit Klaus-Heiner Röhl)
Europäische Champions: Ein industriepolitischer Irrweg
ifo Schnelldienst, 72. Jg., Heft 8, 2019, S. 12–14
(gemeinsam mit Christoph Busch, Vera Demary, Barbara Engels, Christiane Kehder, Ina Loebert)
Sharing Economy in Deutschland, Stellenwert und Regulierungsoptionen für Beherbungsdienstleistungen
Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2019
Data Economy and Antitrust Regulation
Intereconomics, Vol. 54, No.2, 2019, pp.114–119
Konflikte unter spieltheoretischer Betrachtung - eine Einführung
Grin Verlag 2009, ISBN 3640273249
OPEC vs. Diamantenkartell / "Gas-OPEC
Grin Verlag 2009, ISBN 3640273257
On the evolution of preferences and delegation in Tullock rent-seeking contests
Dissertation, 2015
More from Dr. Christian Rusche
Is the EU Fit for 55 and Beyond?
Ursula von der Leyen was elected President of the European Commission by the European Parliament in July 2019. She assumed office in November 2019 and unveiled the European Green Deal in December 2019 (European Commission, 2023a) as a focal point of European politics.
Theories of Harm Because of Data
While digital platforms become more and more important for the whole society as well as the economy, regulatory reactions are also discussed and implemented.
The anti‑steering provision of Article 5 (4) of the DMA: a law and economics assessment on the business model of gatekeepers and business users
Data is a success factor for digital platforms and the core of their business model. The rationale behind this is that data allows for improving the matching process between users which creates value for the platform.
To share or not to share: Regulating Data Brokers
Data has become an increasingly important input in the economy. Hence, data and access to data play an increasingly key role in the global economy and for innovation and are crucial for the competitiveness of companies and the EU economy.
Industrial policy at the turn of the times
The current debate on industrial policy vacillates between the extreme positions of an orthodoxy of rejecting state action and a naive belief in the state's ability to control structural change.
Valuing Companies' Data
Data is becoming increasingly important both for companies and for national economies. Since the full potential of business data can only be realised when several users exploit it simultaneously, data sharing is also becoming more common.
Theoretical effects of uncertainty in the evaluation of data
Businesses can benefit from effective data management and data sharing with other businesses. Data recipients can use the data for product or process optimization, for example, and data providers can receive a fee.
Single Market Emergency Instrument: A Tool with Pitfalls
In reaction to disruptions of the Single Market, the European Commission put forward an emergency instrument. It proposes far-reaching measures in order to maintain the proper functioning of the Single Market and ensure the supply and distribution of goods and services.
The Economic Impact of the 9-Euro-Ticket
The 9-Euro-Ticket, which provided a month’s unlimited travel on local and regional trains, trams and buses throughout Germany, was available from June to August 2022.
Single Market Emergency Instrument: An instrument with pitfalls
In reaction to recent disruptions concerning the Single Market, the European Commission proposed an Emergency Instrument to maintain the proper functioning of the Single Market and ensure the supply and distribution of goods and services. It provides for far-reaching measures. The dirigiste interventions in the market it allows, are to be critically questioned, while better coordination and exchange of information between the member states could be an added value of the SMEI.