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Alongside digitalization, climate change is the megatrend of our time. Our economy is still largely dependent on fossil energies. How must the economy be shaped so that it is in harmony with the environment? What does an economically efficient and socially acceptable climate policy look like? How can energy needs be met more and more from renewable sources? Can the transformation to a circular economy succeed? These and other questions are addressed by the Environment Energy Infrastructure competence area at the Institute of German Business.

About the topic

In 2015, Germany and the EU set themselves ambitious goals by signing the UN Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. Important levers for greater sustainability exist, for example, in transport, the building sector and industry. The EU also has big plans when it comes to climate protection: The Green Deal is intended to pave the way to a climate-neutral future. The money for this - one trillion euros - is to be raised via a fund and come from private investors.

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

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CO2 Regulation of Road Transport in Europe
Thomas Puls Expertise 1. July 2024

Compendium 5.5: CO2 Regulation of Road Transport in Europe

With the Compendium CO2 Regulation in Europe, the IW has been providing the interested public with a comprehensive collection of data on the development of CO2 emissions from passenger car traffic in the European Union, as well as on the applicable regulatory framework, since 2015.


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Markus Demary / Adriana Neligan in Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies External Publication 24. April 2024

Financing the Sustainability Agenda

The EU has set legally binding targets for climate-neutrality by 2050. To succeed in the transition to a low-carbon economy, companies need to continuously develop new and improved climate-friendly technologies, and to adopt or move towards low-carbon business ...


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Christian Rusche / Thilo Schaefer in Intereconomics External Publication 8. April 2024

Is the EU Fit for 55 and Beyond?

Ursula von der Leyen was elected President of the European Commission by the European Parliament in July 2019. She assumed office in November 2019 and unveiled the European Green Deal in December 2019 (European Commission, 2023a) as a focal point of European ...


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Data-based results on the effects of the German Supply Chain Act
Galina Kolev-Schaefer / Adriana Neligan IW-Report No. 8 8. February 2024

Due Diligence - Effect of Supply Chain regulation: Data-based results on the effects of the German Supply Chain Act

After the agreement of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in December 2023, a few formal steps remain to introduce the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).


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Andreas Fischer

Andreas Fischer

Economist for Energy and Climate Policy

Tel: +49 221 4981-402
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Adriana Neligan

Dr. Adriana Neligan

Senior Economist for Environment, Circular Economy and Sustainability

Tel: +49 30 27877-128 Adriana Neligan @a_neligan
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Thomas Puls

Thomas Puls

Senior Economist for Transport and Infrastructure

Tel: +49 221 4981-766
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Thilo Schaefer

Dr. Thilo Schaefer

Head of Digitalisation and Climate Action Research Unit

Tel: +49 221 4981-791 Thilo Schaefer
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CO2 Regulation of Road Transport in Europe
Expertise 1. July 2024

Compendium 5.5: CO2 Regulation of Road Transport in Europe

Thomas Puls

With the Compendium CO2 Regulation in Europe, the IW has been providing the interested public with a comprehensive collection of data on the development of CO2 emissions from passenger car traffic in the European Union, as well as on the applicable regulatory framework, since 2015.


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External Publication
Financing the Sustainability Agenda
External Publication 24. April 2024

Financing the Sustainability Agenda

Markus Demary / Adriana Neligan in Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

The EU has set legally binding targets for climate-neutrality by 2050. To succeed in the transition to a low-carbon economy, companies need to continuously develop new and improved climate-friendly technologies, and to adopt or move towards low-carbon business models.


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External Publication
Is the EU Fit for 55 and Beyond?
External Publication 8. April 2024

Is the EU Fit for 55 and Beyond?

Christian Rusche / Thilo Schaefer in Intereconomics

Ursula von der Leyen was elected President of the European Commission by the European Parliament in July 2019. She assumed office in November 2019 and unveiled the European Green Deal in December 2019 (European Commission, 2023a) as a focal point of European politics.


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Data-based results on the effects of the German Supply Chain Act
IW-Report No. 8 8. February 2024

Due Diligence - Effect of Supply Chain regulation: Data-based results on the effects of the German Supply Chain Act

Galina Kolev-Schaefer / Adriana Neligan

After the agreement of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU in December 2023, a few formal steps remain to introduce the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).


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Green Nudging – a key against littering?
IW-Policy Paper No. 10 22. November 2023

Green Nudging – a key against littering?

Jennifer Potthoff

The demand for cleanliness in cities is increasing: "Littering" - the illegal littering of public spaces - does not only cause costs for the environment and society, but also has significant financial consequences through increased cleaning costs.


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