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Maximilian Stockhausen

Dr. Maximilian Stockhausen

Senior Economist for Social Security Systems and Income and Wealth Distribution

Tel: +49 30 27877 134 Maximilian Stockhausen @StockhausenEcon
  • At the IW since 2017
  • Studies in economics with a focus on finance and econometrics as well as doctoral studies in the research group "Tax and Social Policy with Growing Inequality" at the Freie Universität Berlin

IW Publications

Obst, Thomas / Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2024, Makroökonomische Analyse von Lohn-Preis-Spiralen. Risiken von Zweitrundeneffekten in der gegenwärtigen Hochinflationsphase, IW-Analyse, Nr. 155, Berlin / Köln
Zur Studie

Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2023, IW-Verteilungsreport 2023. Einstellungen zur sozialen Mobilität, IW-Report, Nr. 58, Berlin
Zur Studie

Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2022, IW-Verteilungsreport 2022. Einfluss struktureller Veränderungen auf die Einkommensverteilung, IW-Report, Nr. 63, Köln.
Zur Studie

Niehues, Judith / Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2022, Die Mittelschicht im Fokus – Abgrenzung, Entwicklung und Mobilität, in: IW-Trends, 49. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 27-53
Zur Studie

Niehues, Judith / Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2021, An international comparison with a special focus on the case of Germany. Inequality revisited, IW-Report, Nr. 18, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie

Beznoska, Martin / Hentze, Tobias / Kochskämper, Susanna / Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2019, Die Besteuerung von Ehepaaren in Deutschland. Ökonomische Effekte verschiedener Reformvorschläge, IW-Analyse, No. 133, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie

Pimpertz, Jochen / Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2019, Grundsicherung statt Grundrente. Eine Frage der Reichweite und Treffsicherheit, in: IW-Trends, 2019, No. 3
Zur Studie

Arbeitsangebotsmodul zum IW-Mikrosimulationsmodell STATS – Dokumentation Version 1.0
IW-Report 13/2019

Ist der Traum vom sozialen Aufstieg in Deutschland ausgeträumt?
IW-Kurzbericht 48/2018

Wie der Vater, so der Sohn? Zur intergenerationalen Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland
IW-Trends 4/2017


(in cooperation with Jochen Pimpertz)
Grundrente ohne Bedürftigkeitsprüfung – Wer profitiert ohne Not? – Eine mikrodatenbasierte Analyse potenziell bedürftiger Rentner
Gutachten für die Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM), 2019

(in cooperation with Martin Beznoska, Judith Niehues)
Die Vermögensverteilung im internationalen Vergleich
Gutachten für die Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, 2018

External Publications

Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2021, Like father, like son? A comparison of absolute and relative intergenerational labour income mobility in Germany and the US, in: Journal of Economic Inequality, online first
Zur Studie

Stockhausen, Maximilian, 2019, The Distribution of Economic Resources to Children in Germany, in: Journal of Income Distribution,  28. Jg., Nr. 1, S. 1-36

(in cooperation with Guido Neidhöfer)
Dynastic Inequality Compared – Multigenerational Mobility in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany
Article in the Review of Income and Wealth, 2018, 65. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 383-414

(in cooperation with Charlotte Bartels)
Children’s Opportunities in Germany – An Application Using Multidimensional Measures
German Economic Review, Vol. 18, Issue 3, 2017, S. 327–376

More from Dr. Maximilian Stockhausen

Read study
A Macroeconomic Analysis of Wage-Price Spirals
IW-Analyse No. 155 9. January 2024

A Macroeconomic Analysis of Wage-Price Spirals

Thomas Obst / Maximilian Stockhausen

The subject of this Analysis is the forms that wage-price spirals can take and how they influence macroeconomic stability and inflationary trends in Germany.


Read study
Attitudes towards social mobility
IW-Report No. 58 18. November 2023

IW Distribution Report 2023: Attitudes towards social mobility

Maximilian Stockhausen

Fundamentally linked to the social market economy is the idea that everyone has the opportunity for social advancement, regardless of their social background, and that children should be better off than their parents.


Read study
Influence of structural changes on income distribution
IW-Report No. 63 26. November 2022

IW Distribution Report 2022: Influence of structural changes on income distribution

Maximilian Stockhausen

Academization, immigration and demographic change are defining issues of our time and influence the distribution of income. This year's report therefore focuses on the question of which long-term structural changes in the net income distribution are associated with a higher average level of education, increased net immigration and a higher share of older fellow citizens in the total population.


Read study
A Focus on the Middle Class - Demarcation, Development and Mobility
IW-Trends No. 2 16. May 2022

A Focus on the Middle Class - Demarcation, Development and Mobility

Judith Niehues / Maximilian Stockhausen

In 2018, roughly every second German was a member of the middle class as measured by income, a proportion which has barely changed for more than a decade. However, the lower income threshold of this middle-income group has risen - an indication of increased prosperity.


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External Publication
A comparison of absolute and relative intergenerational labour income mobility in Germany and the US
External Publication 17. August 2021

Like father, like son?: A comparison of absolute and relative intergenerational labour income mobility in Germany and the US

Maximilian Stockhausen in Journal of Economic Inequality

Are children better off than their parents? This highly debated question in politics and economics is investigated by analysing the trends in absolute and relative intergenerational labour income mobility for Germany and the US.


Read study
Measuring the solidarity principle in Germany’s statutory health insurance system
IW-Analyse No. 143 13. July 2021

Would universal health insurance lead to more solidarity?

Martin Beznoska / Jochen Pimpertz / Maximilian Stockhausen

The principle behind Germany’s statutory health insurance (SHI) system, into which all employees up to a certain income threshold are obliged to pay a per¬centage of their earnings, is one of solidarity.


Read study
An International Comparison with a Special Focus on the Case of Germany
IW-Report No. 18 19. May 2021

Inequality Revisited: An International Comparison with a Special Focus on the Case of Germany

Judith Niehues / Maximilian Stockhausen

This report summarizes the latest findings on the development and levels of global income and wealth inequality and puts special emphasize on the situation in Germany.


Read study
An Inventory of Home Nursing Care in Germany
IW-Trends No. 4 28. December 2020

Who Nurses When and How Much?: An Inventory of Home Nursing Care in Germany

Susanna Kochskämper / Silvia Neumeister / Maximilian Stockhausen

German society is ageing and the need for nursing care is increasing. In 2017, just under 5 million people claimed to be providing nursing care in a private setting. An analysis of the data from the Socio-Economic Panel provides a heterogeneous picture of how the home care burden is shared.


Read study
Distributional Consequences of the Corona Pandemic - A Microsimulation Analysis
IW-Report No. 65 10. December 2020

Stable Through the Crisis?: Distributional Consequences of the Corona Pandemic - A Microsimulation Analysis

Martin Beznoska / Judith Niehues / Maximilian Stockhausen

The corona pandemic has had a decisive impact on the year 2020 and, at least in recent times, has had an unprecedented (negative) impact on society and the economy. At the core of this simulation study is therefore the question of how the corona pandemic has affected income levels and social inequality in Germany, and to what extent automatic stabilizers of the social security system and additional financial aid measures have been able to cushion distortions caused by the crisis.


Read study
A Combined Study of Income and Wealth
IW-Trends No. 3 24. August 2020

How is Prosperity Distributed in Germany?

Mariano Calderón / Judith Niehues / Maximilian Stockhausen

Distributional analyses often focus on either income or wealth. However, a comprehensive picture of the material well-being of a nation’s households can only be obtained by considering both variables together.


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