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Henry Goecke
IW Consult

Dr. Henry Goecke

Managing Director of IW Consult

Tel: +49 221 4981-770 Henry Goecke
  • At IW since 2012
  • Since 2017 head of the research group Big Data Analytics
  • Since 2022 Head of the Big Data Analytics Research Unit
  • Since 2023 Managing Director of IW Consult
  • Studied economics at the TU Dortmund and Strathclyde University Glasgow

IW Publications

Goecke, Henry / Rusche, Christian, 2021, Corona-Schock für den Handel in deutschen Innenstädten. Eine empirische Analyse mit Passantendaten, in: IW-Trends, 48. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 25-44
Zur Studie

(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
Künstliche Intelligenz – Israel und Finnland vor China
IW-Kurzbericht 8/2019

(in cooperation with Christopher Thiele)
KI-Forschung und Start-ups in Deutschland – Zahlreiche Zentren
IW-Kurzbericht 75/2018

(in cooperation with Vera Demary)
KI-Investitionen in Deutschland – Noch ein weiter Weg
IW-Kurzbericht 70/2018

(in cooperation with Manuel Fritsch, Andreas Kulpa)
Identifikation von empirischen Unternehmenscharakteristika mittels Machine Learning Verfahren
IW-Report 35/2018

(in cooperation with Christopher Thiele)
Das Twitter-Netzwerk der Ökonomen des Makronom-Rankings
IW-Kurzbericht 61/2018

(in cooperation with Christopher Thiele, Nils Tschampel)
Das Twitter-Netzwerk deutscher Top-Ökonomen
IW-Trends 2/2018

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier, Judith Niehues, Tobias Thomas)
Verzerrte Wahrnehmung: Wie Berichte über Ungleichheit verunsichern
IW-Kurzbericht 63/2017

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier)
Geldmenge und Inflation in Europa – Ist der Zusammenhang verloren?
IW policy papers 17/2016

(in cooperation with Michael Hüther)
San Francisco Bay Area: 750 US-Dollar mehr für jeden US-Bürger
IW-Kurzbericht 70/2016

(in cooperation with Michael Hüther)
Regionale Konvergenz in Europa – So unterschiedlich wachsen Europas Regionen
IW-Kurzbericht 43/2016

(in cooperation with Forschungsgruppe Konjunktur)
Moderate Schlagzahl im Fahrwasser der schwächeren Weltwirtschaft – IW-Konjunkturprognose Herbst 2015
IW-Trends 4/2015

(in cooperation with Forschungsgruppe Konjunktur)
Neue Herausforderungen – Konjunkturelle Fragen im Herbst 2015
Fragen und Antworten, 2015

(in cooperation with Jan Cholewa, Michael Grömling)
IW Konjunkturampel – Konzept, Daten und Evaluation
IW-Trends 2/2015

IW policy papers 2/2015

Europa driftet auseinander – Ist dies das Ende der realwirtschaftlichen Konvergenz?
IW-Trends 4/2013

(in cooperation with Jochen Pimpertz, Holger Schäfer, Christoph Schröder)
Zehn Jahre Agenda 2010 – Eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme ihrer Wirkungen
IW policy papers 7/2013


(in cooperation with Vera Demary, Barbara Engels, Manuel Fritsch, Alevtina Krotova,  Christian Rusche, Marc Scheufen, Christopher Thiele, Karl Lichtblau, Edgar Schmitz, Boris Otto, Tobias Korte, Can Azkan, Markus Spiekermann, Dominik Lis, Joshua Gelhaar, Lennart Iggenna, Lukas Maisel, Bernd Trautmann,  Jens Fiedler,  Osianoh Aliu,  Pascal Bresser, Nils Müller)
Data Economy. Status quo der deutschen Wirtschaft & Handlungsfelder in der Data Economy
Studie für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), 2019

(in cooperation with Karl Lichtblau, Thomas Schleiermacher, Peter Schützdeller)
Digitalisierung der KMU in Deutschland
Eine Studie der IW Consult in Kooperation mit DATAlovers und beDirect, 2018

(in cooperation with Christian Helmenstein, Philip Krabb, Karl Lichtblau, Philipe Reinisch, Yuri Yegerow)
Ökonomische Aspekte der Digitalisierung
vbw (Hrsg.): Neue Wertschöpfung durch Digitalisierung, 2017, München, S. 45–117

(in cooperation with Hanno Kempermann)
Analyse des Berliner Mietspiegels
2017, im Auftrag der Deutsche Wohnen Management GmbH

(in cooperation with Judith Niehues)
Verteilungswirkungen der Agenda 2010 – Eine Mikrosimulationsanalyse der Hartz-IV-Reform
Gutachten für die Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft, 2014

External Publications

(in cooperation with Andrew Bassilakis, Matthias Diermeier)
Converging Media versus Diverging Politics - the Brexit Twitter on Debate
CESifo Forum 19, Heft 4, 2018, S. 23–28

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier, Michael Hüther)
Exhausted Globalisation – Between the Transatlantic Orientation and the Chinese Way
Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastly upon Tyne, 2018

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier, Michael Hüther)
Die erschöpfte Globalisierung – Zwischen transatlantischer Orientierung und chinesischem Weg
Springer Nature, Wiesbaden, 2018

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier, Judith Niehues, Tobias Thomas)
Impact of Inequality-Related Media Coverage on the Concerns of German Citizens
Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Discussion Paper, No. 258, pp. 2–35

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier)
Productivity, Technology Diffusion and Digitization
CESifo Forum , Vol. 18, Heft 1, 2017, 26–32

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier, Adriana Neligan)
Rohstoffbezug deutscher Unternehmen in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten
Wirtschaftsdienst, 97. Jg., Heft 7, S. 499–505

(in cooperation with Berthold Busch, Matthias Diermeier, Michael Hüther)
Brexit und die Zukunft Europas – eine spieltheoretische Einordnung
Wirtschaftsdienst, 96. Jg., Heft 12, S. 883–890

(in cooperation with Matthias Diermeier, Michael Hüther)
Ökonomische Perspektiven der digitalen Transformation – Zwischen Produktivitätsrätsel und Wachstumshoffnung
Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences, i. E.

(in cooperation with Michael Hüther)
Regional convergence in Europe
Intereconomics, Vol. 51, No. 3, 2016, pp. 165–171

(in cooperation with Wolfgang J. Luhan, Michael W. M. Roos)
Rational inattentiveness in a forecasting experiment
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 94/2013, Seite 80–89

Essays on Expectation Formation, Inflation Dynamics, and Monetary Policy
Dissertation, Dortmund, 2011

(in cooperation with Christian Bredemeier)
Sticky Prices vs. Sticky Information: A Cross-Country Comparison of Inflation Dynamics
Ruhr Economic Papers Nr. 255, 2011

More from Dr. Henry Goecke

Read study
An Empirical Analysis with Footfall Data
IW-Trends No. 3 7. September 2021

A Coronavirus Shock for the Retail Sector in German City Centres

Henry Goecke / Christian Rusche

The Corona pandemic and the measures taken to contain the virus have delivered an asymmetrical shock to German business. This asymmetry is exemplified by the effects on the retail trade, an import ant part of the nation’s economy.


Read study
An Application for the Bavarian
IW-Trends No. 3 9. September 2020

Road Haulage Data in Business Cycle Analysis: An Application for the Bavarian

Henry Goecke / Michael Grömling / Jan Marten Wendt

Economy Gross domestic product (GDP) figures for Germany’s 16 federal states are currently only published twice a year, with no quarterly figures available. This makes it impossible to pinpoint the exact timing of turning points in the economies of individual states.


Read study
German Companies between Risk and Opportunity
IW-Trends No. 4 26. October 2019

Artificial Intelligence: German Companies between Risk and Opportunity

Vera Demary / Henry Goecke

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an important technology for the future, promoting the development not only of completely new products and services but also of innovative business models.


Read study
External Publication
Converging Media versus Diverging Politics - the Brexit Twitter on Debate
External Publication 3. January 2019

Converging Media versus Diverging Politics - the Brexit Twitter on Debate

Andrew Bassilakis / Matthias Diermeier / Henry Goecke at the CESifo Forum

Even after two years of Brexit negotiations no deal between the EU and the UK has been settled. Today, the negotiation’s outcome seems as unpredictable as ever. This paper analyses twitter content as a proxy for the political and public debate with respect to Brexit.


Read study
The Twitter Network of Top German Economists
IW-Trends No. 2 3. August 2018

Social Media: The Twitter Network of Top German Economists

Henry Goecke / Christopher Thiele / Nils Tschampel

The importance of social media is increasing rapidly, and with it their relevance as a potential communication channel for economists. On the one hand, taking the example of the microblogging service Twitter, it is possible to analyse how top German economists use social media to inform society on political and economic issues, debates and opinions. On the other hand, the network of links between the economists themselves is also of interest, as it creates a space for scientific exchange and discourse.


Read the article
Usually an economic driving force
Matthias Diermeier / Henry Goecke IW News 20. October 2017

Capital cities: Usually an economic driving force

In almost every European country, the capital contributes strongly to the countries’ economy.However, according to the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW), there is one exemption: Germany. Without Berlin, the German gross domestic product (GDP) per capita would be even higher.


Read study
A Game Theoretical Approach
IW-Policy Paper No. 18 22. December 2016

Brexit and Europe’s Future: A Game Theoretical Approach

Berthold Busch / Matthias Diermeier / Henry Goecke / Michael Hüther

After the UK referendum of last summer, the new institutional relationship between the UK and the EU has to be shaped. The question arises as to how relations should be conducted going forward.


Read study
Is there still a connection?
IW-Policy Paper No. 17 21. December 2016

Money supply and inflation in Europe: Is there still a connection?

Matthias Diermeier / Henry Goecke

Since the outbreak of the European financial and economic crisis in 2008, the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) has been in crisis mode. Ensuring that the growth in the money supply transmutes into higher inflation or inflation expectations has been difficult.


Read study
The IW Business Cycle Traffic Lights
IW-Report No. 2 2. February 2016

The IW Business Cycle Traffic Lights

Jan Cholewa / Henry Goecke / Michael Grömling

The State of the Economy at a Glance


Read study
Europe is Drifting Apart
IW-Trends No. 4 25. December 2013

Europe is Drifting Apart

Henry Goecke

Is this the End of Convergence in the Real Economy?


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