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Michaela Evans / Jessica Kemper / Alexander Kucharski / Susanne Seyda / Helen Hickmann / Sarah Pierenkemper IW-Report No. 15 8. April 2022 Design paths and design practices of digitalisation in elderly care in NRW

The project "Digitalisation and Work Design in Elderly Care" focuses on company design paths and design practices of digitalisation.

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Design paths and design practices of digitalisation in elderly care in NRW
Michaela Evans / Jessica Kemper / Alexander Kucharski / Susanne Seyda / Helen Hickmann / Sarah Pierenkemper IW-Report No. 15 8. April 2022

Design paths and design practices of digitalisation in elderly care in NRW

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

The project "Digitalisation and Work Design in Elderly Care" focuses on company design paths and design practices of digitalisation.

Digitisation is low in the area of primary care processes in the work with and on humans, but in the area of secondary processes, digital technologies are already used more intensively in the facilities. From the point of view of the managers, it is particularly important that nursing professionals have user skills and can use subject-specific and job-specific software. In contrast, the ability to recognise interdependencies between processes is considered less relevant. It is emphasised that their training does currently not prepare nursing professionals and nursing assistants sufficiently for digitally supported care work.

Participation is understood as a core element for successfully shaping change processes, but is not yet sufficiently implemented in practice, although there exists a broad spectrum of formalised and informal participation practices. A stronger awareness of participation can possibly lead to a stronger identification with the company and bind employees more strongly to the company.

The findings of the research project are presented on a separate website www.pflege-digital-nrw.de and made available in the form of recommendations for action, checklists and self-tests for practical use. 

The project is supported by Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

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Design paths and design practices of digitalisation in elderly care in NRW
Michaela Evans / Jessica Kemper / Alexander Kucharski / Susanne Seyda / Helen Hickmann / Sarah Pierenkemper IW-Report No. 15 8. April 2022

Design paths and design practices of digitalisation in elderly care in NRW

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

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