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Sandra Vogel Expertise 13. December 2013 Young people and temporary employment in Europe

The case of Germany

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Young people and temporary employment in Europe
Sandra Vogel Expertise 13. December 2013

Young people and temporary employment in Europe

Expertise for Eurofound

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

The case of Germany

A new report on young people and temporary employment in Germany, shows that 46.4% of all dependent employees holding a fixed-term contract were aged 15 to 24 years (using micro-census data from 2011). As the data also indicates, nearly two thirds of these youngsters were still engaged in an apprenticeship or a similar training. Being employed on a fixed-term contract as an apprentice is part of the German system of vocational education and training. Complementing higher education, VET remains a cornerstone in training youngsters for the labour market and teaching them an occupation. It is one of the main reasons for fixed-term employment amongst youngsters and also contributes to a low youth unemployment rate. The study was undertaken on behalf of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions.

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Young people and temporary employment in Europe
Sandra Vogel Expertise 13. December 2013

Sandra Vogel: Young people and temporary employment in Europe – The case of Germany

Expertise for Eurofound

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

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