Germany has been making good progress towards achieving equality of opportunity in its education system. Latterly, however, it has become clear that the correlation between socio-economic background and educational success is again becoming more pronounced, a phenomenon which can be partly attributed to the high level of immigration in recent years.
Equality of Educational Opportunity: A Challenge for the German Education System
German Economic Institute (IW)
Germany has been making good progress towards achieving equality of opportunity in its education system. Latterly, however, it has become clear that the correlation between socio-economic background and educational success is again becoming more pronounced, a phenomenon which can be partly attributed to the high level of immigration in recent years.
Children’s chances of educational success are to a large extent determined by their parents. In many countries, some parents, and particularly those with a university degree, have recently increased their material and immaterial investments in the start of their children’s educational career. Early childhood support and school education are the means best suited to levelling the playing field again. However, if children’s educational opportunities are to be significantly enhanced, further qualitative and quantitative improvements need to be made in both areas. A new challenge is having an additional adverse impact on equality of opportunity in education: the corona crisis. Where face-to-face lessons in schools and support for children in day-care facilities are no longer possible or are restricted, the different ways in which parents can support their children take on even greater significance. This, in turn, could again exacerbate the inequality of educational opportunity that many children face.
Christina Anger / Axel Plünnecke: Bildungsgerechtigkeit – Herausforderung für das deutsche Bildungssystem
German Economic Institute (IW)
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