Julia Wildner
Economic Research Consultant of the IW Akademie
Tel: +49 221 4981-818 Mail: Joined the German Economic Institute in 2012
- Studied Business Psychology at the Hochschule Fresenius in Cologne and Ethics at the University of Jena
Research groups
IW Publications
Suling, Lena / Wildner, Julia, 2024, Führung in der Transformation. Megatrends und Management als Motor des Wandels, IW-Report, Nr. 19, Köln
Zur Studie
(in cooperation with Dominik Enste)
Mensch und Moral – Eine individualethische Reflexion
IW-Positionen - Beiträge zur Ordnungspolitik Nr. 70, Köln 2015
(in cooperation with Dominik Enste)
Mitverantwortung und Moral – Eine unternehmensethische Reflexion
IW-Positionen - Beiträge zur Ordnungspolitik Nr. 63, Köln 2014
External Publications
(in cooperation with Theresa Eyerund)
Die Bedeutung von Werten in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und in Unternehmen
Werte - und was sie uns wert sind. Eine interdisziplinäre Anthologie, Randolf Rodenstock, Randolf, Nese Sevsay-Tegethoff (Hrsg.): RHI-Buch, München, 2018, S. 185–201
(in cooperation with Dominik Enste)
Integres Wirtschaften lernen – Die IW Akademie
Patrick Bungard, René Schmidtpeter (Hrsg.): CSR in Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2017, S. 45–55
More from Julia Wildner
Leadership in transformation: Megatrends and management as a driver of change
Leadership dynamics in companies are subject to constant change in order to meet the challenges of their time. Today, the greatest influences result from developments such as demographic change, globalization, individualization, structural change and technologization in the economy.
Going Green with Behavioral Economics: How to Combine Business and Ethics
This paper calls for an increased discourse between Fridays for Future and representatives of business. Fridays for Future play a key role in educating the public and raising awareness of scientific reports, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment, which demonstrate the urgency with which we must tackle climate change.