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Edgar Schmitz

Consultant IW-Befragungen

Tel: +49 221 4981-733

Research groups


IW Publications

Schmitz, Edgar / Matthes, Jürgen, 2024, Konkurrenzdruck aus China für deutsche Firmen, IW-Report, Nr. 30, Köln
Zur Studie

Puls, Thomas / Schmitz, Edgar, 2022, Wie stark beeinträchtigen Infrastrukturprobleme die Unternehmen in Deutschland? Ergebnisse von IW-Befragungen, in: IW-Trends, 2022, 49. Jg., Nr. 4, S. 89-110
Zur Studie

Fluchs, Sarah / Neligan, Adriana / Schleicher, Carmen / Schmitz, Edgar, 2022, Zirkuläre Geschäftsmodelle. Wie zirkulär sind Unternehmen?, IW-Report, Nr. 27, Köln / Berlin
Zur Studie

External Publications

(in cooperation with Adriana Neligan)
Jeder 2. macht Ökodesign digital
RECYCLING Magazin, 72. Jg., Heft 8, 2017, S.32–33

More from Edgar Schmitz

Read study
How Much Do Infrastructure Problems Affect Businesses in Germany? Results of IW Surveys
IW-Trends No. 4 22. November 2022

How Much Do Infrastructure Problems Affect Businesses in Germany? Results of IW Surveys

Thomas Puls / Edgar Schmitz

In recent months, closed motorways, congested seaports and cancelled freight trains have combined with already high energy prices and material shortages to cause exasperation in Germany’s business community.


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