
Dr. Christian Oberst
Senior Economist for Housing Policy and Real Estate Economics
Tel: +49 221 4981-889 Mail: Christian Oberst @17ChOb- At the IW since 2018
- Studies of economics and doctorate at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (with study visits to Erasmus University Rotterdam, University La Sapienza Rome and Universidade de São Paulo), Post-Doc at the Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior, RWTH Aachen University E.ON Energy Research Center
- Vice Chair and Treasurer INFER e.V. (International Network for Economic Research,
- Lectures on Real Estate Economics and Demography at the European Business School Oestrich-Winkel, International Real Estate Business School (IREBS) and Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- Research interests: Housing policy, real estate indices, regional development and regional policy, applied spatial data analysis, discrete choice experiments.
IW Publications
Diermeier, Matthias / Oberst, Christian / Sultan, Samina / Förster, Henrik, 2024, Regionale Entwicklung im Vergleich, IW-Policy Paper, Nr. 6, Köln
Zur Studie
Oberst, Christian / Voigtländer, Michael, 2024, Optionen für bezahlbaren Neubau. Eine Analyse der Neubaupreise, IW-Report, Nr. 3, Köln
Zur Studie
Oberst, Christian / Voigtländer, Michael, 2023, Mietpreisentwicklung bei Gewerbeimmobilien. Zwischen kurzfristigen Herausforderungen und strukturellen Umbrüchen, IW-Report, Nr. 21, Köln
Zur Studie
Oberst, Christian / Voigtländer, Michael, 2021, Ein hedonischer Mietpreisindex für Einzelhandelsimmobilien in Deutschland. Methodik und erste Ergebnisse, in: IW-Trends, 48. Jg., Nr. 4, S. 63-78
Zur Studie
Oberst, Christian A. / Südekum, Jens, 2019, Grundlagen der räumlichen Ökonomie, in: Hüther, Michael / Südekum, Jens / Voigtländer, Michael (Hrsg.), Die Zukunft der Regionen in Deutschland. Zwischen Vielfalt und Gleichwertigkeit, IW-Studie, S. 19-35, Köln
Zur Studie
(in cooperation with Michael Voigtländer)
Gegensätzliche Mietentwicklung im Büro- und Einzelhandelsmarkt in 2018
IW-Kurzbericht 29/2019
(in cooperation with Ralph Henger)
Immer mehr Menschen verlassen die Großstädte wegen Wohnungsknappheit
IW-Kurzbericht 20/2019
(in cooperation with Ralph Henger)
Alterung der Gesellschaft im Stadt-Land Vergleich
IW-Kurzbericht 16/2019
(in cooperation with Michael Voigtländer)
IW-Studentenwohnpreisindex 2018 – Mietpreisunterschiede zwischen Hochschulstandorten weiten sich
IW-Report 36/2018
(in cooperation with Thomas Puls)
Ladesäulen für Elektroautos – Ein Henne-Ei-Problem
IW-Kurzbericht 54/2018
Henger, Ralph / Oberst, Christian / Voigtländer, Michael, 2019, Neue Perspektiven für die Stadtentwicklung, Gutachten im Auftrag der BPD Immobilienentwicklung GmbH, Köln
Zur Studie
(in cooperation with Ralph Henger)
IWIP-Index 2018 – Aktualisierte Ergebnisse des Mietindex für Industrieimmobilien
Gutachten im Auftrag von Industrialport GmbH & Co. KG, 2019
External Publications
Dotti, Nicola Francesco / Fratesi, Ugo / Oberst, Christian, 2024, Chapter 3. Regional economic theories as drivers of the EU Cohesion Policy, in: Nicola F. Dotti / Ida Musiałkowska / Sonia De Gregorio Hurtado / Julia Walczy (eds.), EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, Pages 30-46.
Zur Studie
Kempermann, Hanno / Oberst, Christian A. / Schröder, Christoph, 2019, Räumliche Entwicklung in Deutschland, in: Hüther, Michael / Südekum, Jens / Voigtländer, Michael (Hrsg.), Die Zukunft der Regionen in Deutschland. Zwischen Vielfalt und Gleichwertigkeit, IW-Studie, S. 87-114, Köln
(in cooperation with Daniel Höwer, Reinhard Madlener)
Regionalization heuristic to map spatial heterogeneity of macroeconomic impacts: The case of the green energy transition and industrial value creation in the manufacturing sector in NRW
Utilities Policy (58), June 2019, Pages 166-174,
(in cooperation with Hendrik Schmitz, Reinhard Madlener)
Are Prosumer Households That Much Different? Evidence from Stated Residential Energy Consumption in Germany
Ecological Economics (158), April 2019, Pages 101–115,
Gibt es in Deutschland abgehängte Regionen?
Diskussionsforum Raumentwicklung, Gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse – Grundlage für Heimatstrategien, MORO Informationen Nr. 14/6, 2019, S. 18–21
(in cooperation with Marjolein Harmsen-van Hout)
Adoption and Cooperation Decisions in Sustainable Energy Infrastructure, INFER Working Paper, 2018,
(in cooperation with Markus Flaute et al.)
Prosumer-Haushalte und ihre Beitrag zur Transformation des Energiesystems und der Gesellschaft
Prosumer-Haushalte und ihre Beitrag zur Transformation des Energiesystems und der Gesellschaft
(in cooperation with Reinhard Madlener)
Prosumer Preferences Regarding the Adoption of Micro-Generation Technologies: Empirical Evidence for German Homeowners
FCN Working Paper No. 22/2014 (revised 2015)
(in cooperation with Oliver Lerbs)
Explaining the spatial variation in homeownership rates: results for German regions
Regional Studies (48), Heft 5, 2014, Seite 844–865,
(in cooperation with Oliver Lerbs)
Ansätze zur ökonometrischen Erklärung der räumlichen Variation von Wohneigentumsquoten in Deutschland
Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie, Heft 1, 2013, S. 76–83
(in cooperation with Jens Oelgemöller)
Economic growth and regional labor market development in German regions: Okun's law in a spatial context
FCN Working Paper No. 5/2013
(in cooperation with Oliver Lerbs)
Regionale Unterschiede in der Wohneigentumsquote
Deutsche Wohnungswirtschaft DWW, Heft 5, 2012, S. 122–126
(in cooperation with Winfried Michels)
Wohnungsmarktregionen in Deutschland: Abgrenzung und Struktur funktionaler Wohnungsmärkte
Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag der Wüstenrot Stiftung, Münster, 2011
(in cooperation with Oliver Lerbs)
Auswirkungen der Finanz- und Schuldenkrise auf den deutschen Eigenheimsektor
Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie, Heft 2, 2011, S. 49–65
(in cooperation with Karsten Rusche)
Europäische Metropolregionen in Deutschland – eine regionalökonomische Evaluation
Raumforschung und Raumordnung, Jg. 68, Heft 4, 2010, S. 243–254
More from Dr. Christian Oberst

A comparison of regional development
Over the past ten years, a clear economic catch-up process can be observed in East Germany in comparison with West Germany.
Chapter 3: Regional economic theories as drivers of the EU Cohesion Policy
This chapter reviews the regional economic theories, schools of thought and policy narratives used to motivate the EU Cohesion Policy.

Options for affordable new construction
Due to the mix of higher interest rates and increased construction costs, new residential construction in Germany is in a very difficult situation.

Rental price development for commercial real estate
The commercial real estate markets are facing major challenges in view of the economic situation but also in view of structural upheavals. Against this background, this report examines the rental price development for retail and office properties.

A Hedonic Rental Price Index for Retail Properties in Germany
Despite their importance for users, investors and urban development, there is no appropriate monitoring of rent prices for retail properties in Germany. Comparing average rents alone is of limited benefit as the composition of location and quality properties of observed retail objects could differ significantly.
Special Issue on the Environment, Resources and Pollution: New Challenges for Economic Development
This special issue contains a selection of six articles in the field of environmental and resource economics, which were presented in INFER workshops and supported events over the last two years.

Regions in Germany on the rise - Go East!
Regional development in Germany is widely discussed, but mainly focuses on less developed regions. As an alternative the focus in this study is on rising and catch-up regions, thus regions that have developed above average from a below-average starting level.

Price effects in the residential property market due to the Covid-19 pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has a serious impact on social life and economic development in Germany. This report tries to give a first empirically based assessment of the consequences for the residential property market.

Updated Results of the IWIP Index 2019: Significantly Cooled Market for Industrial Real Estate
Rents for industrial properties rose by an average of 3.1 percent in 2019. After the sharp price rises of the two previous years by 9.7 percent (2017) and 8.7 percent (2018), the increase has thus slowed down considerably.

Mobility and housing: New perspectives for urban development
Population growth in many of Germany’s major cities and metropolitan areas, and the resulting urgent growth in housing demand, are driving rapid construction of new residential properties in these markets.