Enno Kohlisch
Economist for Innovations
Tel: +49 221 4981-879 Mail: Studied economics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the University of Cologne.
- At the IW since 2016
- Research interests: Patent and benchmark analyses, research and development, regional economics.
Research unit
IW Publications
Haag, Maike / Kohlisch, Enno / Koppel, Oliver, 2024, Patentanmeldungen aus dem Hochschulbereich. Internationales Ranking nach Ländern und einzelnen Hochschulen, IW-Kurzbericht, Nr. 79, Köln
Zur Studie
Kohlisch, Enno / Koppel, Oliver / Puls, Thomas, 2023, Transformation der Automobilindustrie. Deutschlands Investitionsperformance im internationalen Vergleich, in: IW-Trends, Nr. 4, 50. Jg., S. 23-44
Zur Studie
Haag, Maike / Kempermann, Hanno / Kohlisch, Enno / Koppel, Oliver, 2023, Innovationsatlas 2023. Die Innovationskraft der deutschen Regionen, IW-Analyse, Nr. 153, Köln
Zur Studie
Kohlisch, Enno / Koppel, Oliver / Küper, Malte / Puls, Thomas, 2023, Forschungsschwerpunkte der Kfz-Industrie am Standort Deutschland. Eine Auswertung auf Basis der IW-Patentdatenbank, in: IW-Trends, 50. Jg., Nr. 1/2023, S. 23-69
Zur Studie
Haag, Maike / Kohlisch, Enno / Koppel, Oliver, 2022, Innovation und Vielfalt. Migration verhindert Rückgang bei Patentanmeldungen, IW-Kurzbericht, Nr. 84, Köln
Zur Studie
Küper, Malte / Koppel, Oliver / Kohlisch, Enno, 2021, Grüne Innovationen der Grundstoffindustrie in NRW, IW-Report, Nr. 40, Köln
Zur Studie
Kohlisch, Enno / Koppel, Oliver / Küper, Malte / Puls, Thomas, 2021, Innovationswandel in der deutschen Kfz-Industrie. Eine Analyse mit der IW-Patentdatenbank, in: IW-Trends, 48. Jg., Nr. 3, S. 68-88
Zur Studie
Wo in Deutschland wohnen Erfinder mit ausländischen Wurzeln?
IW-Kurzbericht 30/2019
(in cooperation with Oliver Koppel, Judith Wojda)
Der Beitrag weiblicher Erfinder zu deutschen Patentanmeldungen
IW-Trends 1/2019
(in cooperation with Oliver Koppel, Daniel Lüke)
Migration und die Innovationskraft Deutschlands
IW-Trends 4/2018
(in cooperation with Sarah Berger, Oliver Koppel)
Deutschlands Hochburgen der Digitalisierung
IW-Kurzbericht 42/2017
(in cooperation with Sarah Berger, Hanno Kempermann, Oliver Koppel, Anja Katrin Orth)
Innovationsatlas 2017 – Wo Deutschlands Ideen entstehen
IW-Analysen–Forschungsberichte Nr. 117, Köln 2017
(in cooperation with Oliver Koppel, Thomas Puls)
Die Patentleistung der deutschen KFZ-Unternehmen
IW-Report 34/2018
(in cooperation with Christina Anger, Oliver Koppel, Axel Plünnecke, Ruth Maria Schüler)
MINT-Fruhjahrsreport 2019 – MINT und Innovationen – Erfolge und Handlungsbedarfe
Gutachten für BDA, BDI, Mint Zukunft schaffen und Gesamtmetall, 2019
(in cooperation with Christina Anger, Oliver Koppel, Axel Plünnecke, Ruth Maria Schüler)
MINT-Herbstreport 2018 – MINT: Qualifizierung und Zuwanderung zur Stärkung von Forschung und Digitalisierung
Gutachten für BDA, BDI, Mint Zukunft schaffen und Gesamtmetall, 2018
More from Enno Kohlisch
Patent applications from academia
In a country comparison of international patent applications from the higher education sector, Switzerland excels in efficiency. The USA dominate in terms of the number of patent applications and in the ranking of the 1,767 patent-active universities across the globe. Germany performs well across all categories, placing just behind the USA in efficiency.
The Transformation of the Automotive Industry: An International Comparison of Germany's Innovation Performance
The automotive industry is undergoing a comprehensive technological transformation that is challenging established value chains. Making sure that domestic research helps to shape this ongoing transformation is therefore an important task for countries with a significant car industry.
Innovation Atlas 2023: The innovative strength of the German regions
All indicators of innovative strength in Germany – from research intensity and scientific and technical employment structures to patent successes – point to a strong south-north, west-east and urban-rural divide.
The Focus of Research in Germany’s Automotive Industry
The automotive industry in Germany is currently facing several challenges. Car production had already fallen significantly before the Covid19 pandemic and in 2020 and 2021 suffered two slumps of historic proportions.
Innovation and diversity: Migration prevents decline in patent activity
Migration makes an indispensable contribution to Germany's innovative strength: a record 12.2 percent of all patent applications developed in this country are entirely attributable to inventors with foreign roots. Many German companies already show considerable diversity in this respect.
Green innovations in the basic materials industry in NRW
Transforming the economy towards climate-neutrality poses major challenges for the energy-intensive primary industry in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). At the same time, the development of environmentally friendly basic materials and production processes presents a great potential for transforming NRW into an attractive industrial location for the future.
Change in Innovation in the German Motor Vehicle Industry
Social and political change necessitates corresponding innovations in motor vehicle technology. This paper analyses the nature of current technological progress in Germany’s motor vehicle industry.
A Patent Analysis: Standards and Innovations
Using the eCl@ss Standard as an Example Innovations are increasingly generated through networked research and cooperation that transcends company, industry and national boundaries.
Automotive Companies as Drivers of Innovation
The present paper uses the IW Patent Database to analyse the patent activity of German companies in the automotive sector. The database covers all patent applications disclosed to the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) since 2005.
The Contribution of Female Inventors to German Patent Applications
Women continue to make only a small, and recently actually diminishing, contribution to patent activity in Germany. In 2016, female inventors accounted for just 4.4 per cent of all national patent applications filed with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office.