Economic Think Tank Exchange (ETTE) – an informal network of national think tanks.
Economic Think Tank Exchange
Do economists discuss the same topics in Bulgaria and Finland as they do in Germany? What’s on top of the agenda for Austrian and Finnish economic buffs?
While on the European level the focus is on Brexit and on EMU and budget reforms as well as the new pillar of social rights, in many EU member states the hot topic is a rather different one – the national labour market and the productivity of the economy.
To analyse these and other nationally important economic issues more profoundly and exchange on potential solutions, some national economic research institutes from EU member states have teamed up and created an informal network of economists from various national institutes.
The ETTE format shall provide a frame for regularly discussing nationally relevant subjects such as competitiveness of the economies, growth, employment, productivity, new digital business models and the platform economy.
It is open to interested institutes from other European countries.
The last meeting took place in London, hosted by NIESR on June 5th/6th. It focused on the topic of “Global Value Chains: Current developments and implications for Europe”.
For the next meeting please find the agenda and further information here. Also have a look at the NIESR-Webpage for a related Blog on this issue.
Currently these institutes are part of ETTE:
- Deutschland, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft IW
- Finnland Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, ETLA
- Frankreich Rexecode: English (
- Großbritannien National Institute of Economic and Social Research
- Italien Confindustria, Centro Studi
- Österreich Economica
- Schweden Ratio Start - English - Ratio