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Information on the Institute’s upcoming events and documentations of past events.

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Events in the past

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29. Jan 29. Jan
Alexander Radunz / Sandra Parthie Event 29. January 2025

Breakfast debate: How to reduce electricity prices – ideas of the Affordable Energy Act

While Member states are ultimately responsible for their energy mix; their decisions have cross-border consequences. They impact the prices at the EEX and the use and need for interconnectors. We want to take a holistic look at these dynamics and focus on the costs.


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6. Dec 6. Dec
Sandra Parthie Event 6. December 2023

Runder Tisch: „Unternehmen in der Bürokratiefalle?”

Der Bürokratieabbau ist zurück auf der politischen Agenda. In ihrer "State of the European Union"-Rede, erklärte ihn Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen jüngst zur Chefsache. Entlastungen für den Mittelstand waren bereits Thema ihrer Rede im letzten Jahr. Sogar von Moratorien war in der politischen Diskussion zwischenzeitlich die Rede. Passiert ist seither wenig.


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4. Dec 4. Dec
Michael Hüther / Sandra Parthie / Julian Sommer Event 4. December 2023

Live-Diskussion aus dem Europäischen Parlament: Fragmentierung, (De-) Globalisierung - welche Zukunft hat die EU-Handelspolitik?

In Zeiten geopolitischer Krisen und einer Fragmentierung des Welthandels ist eine starke EU-Handelspolitik wichtiger denn je. Nicht nur, um die regelbasierte globale Handelsordnung zu erhalten oder um unsere Lieferketten widerstandsfähiger zu machen, sondern auch, um Europas Zugang zu kritischen Rohstoffen zu sichern.


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29. Nov 29. Nov
Julian Sommer Event 29. November 2023

Rising Disinformation and the EU Elections 2024: Challenges and Strategies for Europe in Tackling Disinformation

Targeted disinformation campaigns have undeniably left a troubling mark on the global political landscape in recent years. Whether the spread of misinformation by Russian funded actors, or the impact of the likes of Cambridge Analytica and Facebook on recent elections, it becomes clear that the spread of online disinformation has become an omnipresent threat to democratic processes.


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16. Oct 16. Oct
Sandra Parthie Event 16. October 2023

Workshop: The Digital Product Passport in the green transition

Sustainability has become a driver for modern life, for our economies and for society. Manufacturers are looking to produce in a resource efficient way and consumers ask for sustainable products.


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20. Sep 20. Sep
Thilo Schaefer Event 20. September 2023

Climate Clubs as a Lightning Rod for Tensions in Trade and Industrial Competitiveness

The Paris Agreement has established a transformative paradigm. While this transformation will create winners and losers, it now seems increasingly clear that overall, there are tremendous opportunities.


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13. Jun 13. Jun
Philipp Saueracker Event 13. June 2023

Europe’s Digital Decade: how to reach a skilled workforce in 2030 to succeed in the digital transformation?

At the beginning of this year, the European Commission launched the first cycle of the Digital Decade policy program.


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23. May 23. May
Sandra Parthie Event 23. May 2023

Live Stream: Net-Zero Industry Act: Europäische Antwort auf den IRA?

Mit dem „Net-Zero Industry Act” will die Europäische Kommission den Ausbau sauberer Technologien in der EU gezielt fördern, damit sie bis 2030 mindestens 40% des Bedarfs der Union abdecken.


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21. Nov 21. Nov
Sandra Parthie Event 21. November 2022

panel discussion: Challenging times for the US and EU - Where are the economic and monetary policies headed?

The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine triggered massive price increases. But even before that, there were high inflation risks due to the Corona pandemic and creeping deglobalization. How should governments and central banks respond now?


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7. Nov 7. Nov
Sandra Parthie Event 7. November 2022

Reinventing EU economic governance: What will become of the Stability and Growth Pact?

In the framework of the Spring 2022 European Semester package, the Commission announced the far-reaching decision to continue applying the general escape clause of the EU fiscal rules. This means that the deficit and debt rules can be ignored by the member states with the intention to provide financial support to businesses and citizens in times of crisis.


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