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Sandra Parthie Event 7. November 2022 Reinventing EU economic governance: What will become of the Stability and Growth Pact?

In the framework of the Spring 2022 European Semester package, the Commission announced the far-reaching decision to continue applying the general escape clause of the EU fiscal rules. This means that the deficit and debt rules can be ignored by the member states with the intention to provide financial support to businesses and citizens in times of crisis.

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7. Nov
Sandra Parthie Event 7. November 2022

Reinventing EU economic governance: What will become of the Stability and Growth Pact?

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German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

In the framework of the Spring 2022 European Semester package, the Commission announced the far-reaching decision to continue applying the general escape clause of the EU fiscal rules. This means that the deficit and debt rules can be ignored by the member states with the intention to provide financial support to businesses and citizens in times of crisis.

A return to the status quo ante is considered unlikely. Could this exception become the rule in future?  Or, what could a reform of the Stability and Growth Pact entail? 

We would like to address these and other questions with MEP Siegfried Muresan, Member of the European Parliament and Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Dr. Reinhard Felke, Director for Policy Coordination, Economic Forecast and Communication at DG ECFIN, Dr. Nicole Rosin, Head of Finance Department Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU (tbc), Prof. Dr. Hubertus Bardt, Managing Director and Head of Research at the German Economic Institute at our event “Reinventing EU economic governance. What will become of the Stability and Growth Pact?“ We are looking forward to your participation!

The Brussels Office of the German Economic Institute and the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung cordially invite you to their discussion event.

Please register via this mail: lukas.wick@kas.de


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