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Susanna Kochskämper IW-Report No. 14 9. April 2020 What about Germany's Hospital Infrastructure?

Here, data on the actual hospital infrastructure in Germany are summarized and presented.

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What about Germany's Hospital Infrastructure?
Susanna Kochskämper IW-Report No. 14 9. April 2020

What about Germany's Hospital Infrastructure?


German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

Here, data on the actual hospital infrastructure in Germany are summarized and presented.

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This does not allow any statements as to whether or when the limits of the German health system‘s capacities will be exceeded. This depends too much on the dynamics of the cases requiring intensive care – something, which is currently difficult to predict. What can be seen is that Germany has a high hospital bed density in comparison to other countries, also in the field of intensive and intermediate care. However, the numbers of medical staff employed in hospitals is only in the middle of the range. In the current situation, it is therefore important to implement different strategies in order to avoid overloading the workforce for as long as possible.

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What about Germany's Hospital Infrastructure?
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German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

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