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Manuel Fritsch / Jürgen Matthes Expertise 1. December 2017 Factory Europe and its Ties in Global Value Chains

Global value chains have continued to expand over the last few decades. This has made them a central part of many companies’ internationalization strategies and an important facet of globalization.

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Factory Europe and its Ties in Global Value Chains
Manuel Fritsch / Jürgen Matthes Expertise 1. December 2017

Factory Europe and its Ties in Global Value Chains

Gutachten für die Bertelsmann Stiftung

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

Global value chains have continued to expand over the last few decades. This has made them a central part of many companies’ internationalization strategies and an important facet of globalization.

However, catchwords such as offshoring, bazaar economy and relocation of production have also caused this trend to become a focus of globalization critics. Above all in the United States under the new government, but also in France and other parts of Europe, this skepticism is playing an important role. However, partnerships on the production side offer great opportunities to take advantage of the international division of labor. This applies not only to the inner-European ties in the EU Single Market. Intermediate consumption networks between Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) are also very close and placed at risk due to the Brexit. Something similar applies to the transatlantic ties on the production side. A protectionist backlash against globalization and offshoring would therefore threaten an important source of prosperity in regard to European and global value chains.

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Factory Europe and its Ties in Global Value Chains
Manuel Fritsch / Jürgen Matthes Expertise 1. December 2017

Manuel Fritsch / Jürgen Matthes: Factory Europe and its Ties in Global Value Chains

Gutachten für die Bertelsmann Stiftung

German Economic Institute (IW) German Economic Institute (IW)

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