European companies need to have the ability to store, process, use, and share data securely and autonomously, for example by using cloud services based on agreed quality standards, values, and legislation.
The Importance of the Data Economy for Europe’s Digital Strategic Autonomy
German Economic Institute (IW)
European companies need to have the ability to store, process, use, and share data securely and autonomously, for example by using cloud services based on agreed quality standards, values, and legislation.
A survey conducted in autumn 2021 of 1,002 German companies from the industrial and industry-related services sectors shows that 71 per cent of companies in Germany are not data economy ready, while for 73 per cent data sharing does not play any role. The survey results show that the potential of the European data economy has not been well exploited, weakening Europe’s digital strategic autonomy.
The Importance of the Data Economy for Europe’s Digital Strategic Autonomy
German Economic Institute (IW)
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